E311 Media | New Super Mario Bros. Mii Jumps to Wii U

By Calum Peak 08.06.2011 4

E311 Media | New Super Mario Bros. Mii Jumps to Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It seems Nintendo have been busy these past few years getting ready with their new home console, Wii U. Whilst onlookers where taunted with tantalising third party teasers, Nintendo also showed off a brief demo of New Super Mario Bros. Mii. Following in suit of its DS and Wii brethren, NSMBM allows for simultaneous four player action across a variety of worlds, and whilst you can take control of some of the cast from the Mushroom Kingdom, Nintendo also showed off the ability to play with your Mii Characters. In true Wii U fashion, players can also play the game on the controller itself, courtesy of its 6.2" screen. Take a look at the screens and vid below:

Image for E311 Media | New Super Mario Bros. Mii Jumps to Wii U
Image for E311 Media | New Super Mario Bros. Mii Jumps to Wii U

Box art for New Super Mario Bros. U





2D Platformer



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They said this was the console to marry casual and hardcore. Offering both worlds. Instead of a third party wheel of multi platform games where the F was Pikmin.

I think people are not as excited as they could be because there were no nintendo games. People are weary of mii's because they associate them with mini games.

Where was the pikmin tech demo, metroi, mario to complement zelda. People would have wet themselves.

The zelda demo got me most excited. Imagine using the controller to scan within metroid.

Really enjoyed NSMB for both Wii and DS, so have high hopes for a souped up version in HD - and I'm not the biggest fan of 2D/Classic Mario games either!

( Edited 08.06.2011 08:03 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

meeto_0 said:
They said this was the console to marry casual and hardcore. Offering both worlds. Instead of a third party wheel of multi platform games where the F was Pikmin.

I think people are not as excited as they could be because there were no nintendo games. People are weary of mii's because they associate them with mini games.

Where was the pikmin tech demo, metroi, mario to complement zelda. People would have wet themselves.

The zelda demo got me most excited. Imagine using the controller to scan within metroid.

Pikmin 3 was confirmed by Miamoto to be in development for Wii U at the round table on Tuesday night. He was developing it for Wii, but it seems they played with some asset and gameplay ideas for the U. He liked the results so much he shifted development from Wii to the U.

As for Mario, this is not indication of a 2D Mario being in the works. I am sure there is one, and there are things these will have in common, but I think what hey showed is a far cry from what they will release for a 2D Mario. I do think adding the Miis is a brilliant idea. What I would do is break them up and offer each world individually as a DLC title for $5. Then you can get as crazy as you want and take it as far and long as you want. After a couple years, compile it all on a disk to sell for $50 to those who do not want to download it.

Currently Playing: Super Mario Galaxy, Wario Land: Shake It, A Boy and His Blob, Little King Story Pre-Ordered: Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M

Interesting idea, kbaker.

Whilst people do have their own opinions about DLC, if they actually sold a full 2D Mario at retail, on par with NSMBWii, they could then provide entirely new levels and worlds for the months and years to come. Imagine receiving a new level every week or two, or an entirely new world and bosses every month or two.

Of course, the greatest thing they could do is provide the levels for free, or as cheap as possible. But if they were to release so many, they could perhaps have sold an entire game with them, so I imagine they would charge (knowing Nintendo though, too much).

But still, the idea is a great one.

( Edited 09.06.2011 14:13 by Azuardo )

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