E311 Media | Super Fossil Fighters Comes to the Nintendo DS

By 11.06.2011 1

E311 Media | Super Fossil Fighters Comes to the Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A sequel to the RPG, Fossil Fighters, has been revealed and will be returning to the DS. Super Fossil Fighters generally follows the same idea as the first game, which saw players cleaning fossils and then reviving the creatures inside them. The creatures called "Vivosaurs" could then be used to battle. This time, players will see themselves competing in a competition to become the champion Fossil Fighter.

As mentioned, gameplay will revolve around players cleaning up fossils. Making a new appearance are "Giant Fossil Rocks" which contain complete dinosaur fossils and "Odd Fossil Rocks". This type is two sided and adds fun to the cleaning process. Once cleaned they can be revived and put into teams to battle. Adding to it's strategic gameplay elements, the better the fossil is cleaned, the better it will perform in battle. Furthermore, player must put forward a team of three Vivosaur and rotate them to maximise damage to the other.

Other features of the game include a new "Super Evolver" Vivosaurs, who evolve into new forms with help from golden fossils. There's also multiplayer, through online matchmaking and local wireless.

Image for E311 Media | Super Fossil Fighters Comes to the Nintendo DS

Did you play the original Fossil Fighters? Are you happy to see a sequel?

Box art for Super Fossil Fighters
Also known as

Fossil Fighters: Champions






Turn Based RPG



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gigi (guest) 03.08.2011#1
not for 3ds

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