E311 Media | Kirby Rolls Again on Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 07.06.2011 1

E311 Media | Kirby Rolls Again on Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has lifted the lid on its latest Kirby title for Nintendo DS, Kirby Mass Attack. The side-scrolling real-time strategy game from veteran developer HAL Laboratory, Inc, will be released for US$29.99 on 19th September, 2011 and is said to be "A New Twist on a Pink Hero."

One day, an evil-doer with a magic cane appears and splits Kirby into ten pieces. Kirby sets off on a journey to return to his original form. Players use the touch-screen to control a mass of Kirby characters in a new and novel way. Swipe the touch-screen to launch them in a mass attack against enemies, then tap the enemies into submission.

  • Players use the stylus on the touch-screen to control a swarm of up to 10 Kirby characters at once. They can help players defeat enemies and find treasure. The number of Kirby characters under a player’s control is important, as some challenges require a specific number of Kirby characters in order to be solved. When the number of Kirby characters is increased, players can gain the upper hand.

  • Players can control each Kirby character in a variety of ways using a stylus on the touch screen. For example, a Kirby character can be launched into the air with a flick of the stylus, or players can make a swarm of Kirby characters dash to a given point by tapping on that spot on the touch screen multiple times.

  • By collecting medals hidden throughout the various stages, players can unlock a wide variety of additional mini-games, each with its own distinctive challenges.


Do you like the sound of Kirby Mass Attack, or is the traditional Wii version more up your street?

Box art for Kirby Mass Attack

HAL Laboratory







C3 Score

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This game looks amazing. Im definately buying this. Looks like its gone unnoticed but im glad its on the DS since I'm not planning on buying a 3DS any time soon.

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