E311 Media | Ace Combat Nintendo 3DS Screens

By Adam Riley 07.06.2011

E311 Media | Ace Combat Nintendo 3DS Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

ACE COMBAT 3D (working title) is exclusive for the Nintendo 3DS and brings the 'Aerial Combat Shooter' genre kicking and screaming into portable 3D. Take to the skies on Nintendo 3DS with the critically acclaimed aerial combat series as it flies onto a Nintendo for the first time since the Game Boy Advance. ACE COMBAT 3D (working title) delivers supersonic flying, exciting dogfights and high-altitude acrobatics all in 3D for the first time. Intense and engaging battles in the sky; the fast-paced action of the ACE COMBAT series is even more immersive with the addition of 3D gameplay. Get ready for some touch-screen targeting and be sure to lock-on to enemies and fire at will. The edge-of-your-seat controls will help players experience the exhilaration of becoming an ace pilot with added control mechanics that enable split-second counter-manoeuvres, dynamic dogfight action and satisfying enemy takedowns. Additionally, there will be a full variety of real-world aircrafts to fly and a diverse range of missions to enjoy.

The first screens of ACE COMBAT 3D can be seen in the media folder, but does this look like the series you know and love?

Box art for Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy

Project Aces


Namco Bandai





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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