E311 Media | Spider-Man Edges Through Time on Wii, 3DS, DS

By Mike Mason 06.06.2011 1

E311 Media | Spider-Man Edges Through Time on Wii, 3DS, DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This year, Spider-Man: Edge of Time has Spider-Man facing his greatest challenge yet - saving himself. Taking the roles of both classic Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099, it's up to the player to fix a timeline gone badly wrong and get everything ticking back the way it should do.

Beenox previously developed the era-jumping Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. Working with Peter David, co-creator of the Spider-Man 2099 comic book, Spider-Man: Edge of Time looks to innovate within the series once again with a 'cause and effect' feature; by changing something with one character, the other timeline may be affected.

Here's the E3 2011 trailer.

Spider-Man: Edge of Time will be coming to Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS later this year.

Box art for Spider-Man: Edge of Time








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Are they trying to make Spiderman look hard?

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