E311 Media | Frogger Leaping Into 3D on the Nintendo 3DS

By 05.06.2011 3

E311 Media | Frogger Leaping Into 3D on the Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

At lasts years E3, a huge list of 3DS games in development was revealed and on that list an untitled Frogger title appeared. Since then we've heard nothing about the title. Konami have now released screenshots from the game and if that wasn't enough, a trailer to showcase the frogs return was also included. Frogger 3D is also celebrating the 30th anniversary of the series.

Frogger 3D will come packed with over 60 stages and feature a classic mode, which plays like the orginal game and also Street Pass and Forever modes. Street Pass unfortunately doesn't have anything to do with the 3DS' wireless capabilities, but instead challenges players to avoid fast paced traffic across multiple lanes. In Forever mode, players are challenged further with no places to stop. The only option is to continuously hop forward between platforms.

Frogger 3D is planned to be released later in the year.

Image for E311 Media | Frogger Leaping Into 3D on the Nintendo 3DS

Box art for Frogger 3D

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Wow that looks lame. Or at least more like an app than a real game. Is it going to be sold for full price?

I presume it's going to be retail, but hopefully at a budget price.

Was awful in 1981, still awful now.

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