Want to see what Bit Trip Saga looks like in 3D and have a 3DS? Download a screenshot for the new retail collection today.
Bit.Trip Saga is the complete Bit. Trip collection, bringing together all six of the downloadable games in a single retail package for 3DS, including snazzy 3D effects if you up the switch on your portable. Developer Gaijin Games has released a single screenshot that you can download onto your SD card and view on the 3DS.
How to view 3D screenshots:
1) Plug in your 3DS SD card into a card reader connected to your PC or Mac.
2) Open up the file labeled "DCIM," then open the next one titled "100NIN03" or something along those lines.
3) Drag the downloaded file named "BIT_0002.MPO" in with the rest of your photos.
From then it's a case of popping the SD card back into the 3DS and viewing as a normal 3D image.