Mega Man Mania | Capcom`s New GBA Collection

By Adam Riley 14.12.2003 1

Capcom Celebrates Mega Man's 15th Birthday...
...By Treating GBA Owners to a 5-in-1 Title!

This year is Mega Man's 15th Anniversary and to celebrate this tremendous event Capcom is planning a Mega Man Anniversary Collection for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube. But, as discovered today, Capcom USA has updated its website with details on another game to commemorate the series' long lifespan. Since long-term fans were already being treated to a home console game, Capcom has decided to reward loyal GBA owners as well by releasing a five-in-one collection of old Mega Man games. Here are the details from the website:

"A Mega Man Tribute!

Challenge yourself with some of the most extreme Mega Man titles ever released while unlocking a cache of bonus features in this special collection to celebrate Mega Man

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