Capcom Reduces 3DS/Wii Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2011 14

Capcom Reduces 3DS/Wii Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom outlined plans for the coming fiscal year earlier today, upping support for PS3/360 with a drop for the Nintendo Wii, 3DS and DS.

The Japanese publisher, known for Street Fighter, Mega Man and Resident Evil expects to sell 18 million pieces of software across 55 titles and various handheld, console, PC and other platforms. The PS3 and Xbox 360 both see an increase in the number of titles on the way, presumably sharing most as cross-platform.

The DS/3DS together see a slight drop in the number of games on the way, but an increase in projected sales.

The Wii sees a significant drop this year with only two titles being made and an expected 200,000 units to be sold.

(Last year's titles and sales in brackets)

  • PS3: 16 titles, 8 million units (11 / 6.2 million)
  • X360: 14 titles, 4.7 million units (11 / 4.2 million)
  • DS/3DS: 9 titles, 2.4 million units (11 / 1.7 million)
  • PSP: 11 titles, 2.2 million units (11 / 6.2 million)
  • PC/Other: 3 titles, 500,000 units (3 / 500,000)
  • Wii: 2 titles, 200,000 units (5 / 1.4 million)
Via Andriasang.

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Hm, I suppose there won't be a Monster Hunter for the 3DS anytime soon then if they only project 2.4 million units for a total of 9 titles as Monster Hunter should sell a ton of units, especially in Japan. Smilie

Then again, they are largely based on the current install base and wouldn't consider possible massive increases in hardware sales, right?

( Edited 23.06.2013 01:39 by Guest )

They just announced a MonHun HD of portable 3rd for Japan--and you will be able to transfer data from PSP to PS3 and viceversa--which will be a cool added feature- but they also noted that the it will support 3D---sooo this kind of leads me to think or speculate they will be bringing Portable3rd or another iteration to 3DS.

( Edited 30.12.2012 05:52 by Guest )

I still think its bezire they ignore MH3 is the strongest saling home console release of the franchise by a big margin. Its like it dosnt fit in with their view of reality so its ignored.

see a slight drop in the number of games on the way, but an increase in projected sales.

That actualy sounds like a good thing to me.

( Edited 30.12.2012 05:52 by Guest ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Expected. I'm very confident Cafe will get Dogma and SF X Tekken, and Street Fighter 3 Online. I've seen how nervous one of their VP's gets when I ask tricky questions. Capcom are doing their bit, they're making quality games for it.

I'm hoping for a translation of that Sound Mansion game later.

With NGP and the rise of new services like Monster Hunter 3rd HD, it's naturally going to cut into resources slightly. The new products are being made in MT Framework Mobile, so we should see the bulk of games released on both formats.

( Edited 30.12.2012 05:52 by Guest )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Dr. Shrapnel (guest) 23.05.2011#5

So in the end Wii was a big money maker for Nintendo, and little else. A system that sprinted out of the starting gate, but lost the marathon to the 360 and PS3.
Capcom pulling Wii support only makes sense, although I'm suprised they're scaling back on the 3DS. That's not a good sign, but in this day and age of cheap games on phones and touch devices it's not a suprise.
Naturally the devoted Nintendo sheep think the Cafe's going to be getting all of the big name games Microsoft and Sony get. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Nintendo hasn't had a Street Fighter game on their console since the SNES! If the Gamecube was passed up, so could the Cafe. Third parties aren't going to suddenly jump into Nintendo's lap because they've got a new console like everyone thinks. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They care about their games and nothing else.

Phen0m (guest) 23.05.2011#6

For the Wii, that's kind of a good thing but for the 3DS, it's too early to make any decision like that! I don't understand that decision!
Bad news! Smilie

Diminishing support for the Wii and DS makes sense, but 3DS? That seems like an odd decision.

Given that they estimated more sales for less games that implied a redistribution of investment (ie, one game not looking so hot so they put more money into the other). <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Dr. Shrapnel (guest) said:
So in the end Wii was a big money maker for Nintendo, and little else. A system that sprinted out of the starting gate, but lost the marathon to the 360 and PS3.

What "marathon" is that? Last time I checked Nintendo had sole over 80 millions Wii's compared to the 360's 54 million. Let's not forget the huge markup on the Wii's price and the fact that Microsoft had to repair four in every five 360's.

Dr. Shrapnel (guest) said:

Capcom pulling Wii support only makes sense, although I'm suprised they're scaling back on the 3DS. That's not a good sign, but in this day and age of cheap games on phones and touch devices it's not a surprise.

What? The gaming handheld market has never been stronger. The majority of the best developers don't even develop for mobile phones.

Dr. Shrapnel (guest) said:

Naturally the devoted Nintendo sheep think the Cafe's going to be getting all of the big name games Microsoft and Sony get. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Nintendo hasn't had a Street Fighter game on their console since the SNES! If the Gamecube was passed up, so could the Cafe. Third parties aren't going to suddenly jump into Nintendo's lap because they've got a new console like everyone thinks. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They care about their games and nothing else.

Nintendo hasn't even released a triple A title for the 3DS yet! Nintendo gave 3rd parties their time in the spotlight but they failed to step up to the mark. They once again blamed Nintendo for the poor sales.

If you ask me, Nintendo were fools to trust the 3rd parties to deliver and hence the 3DS has now suffered because of their error.

It will be interesting to see what the 3rd parties will do.

It certainly isn't Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties have trouble developing for their hardware. Nintendo is attempting to beckon the future and push the envelope--taking risks while Sony and Microsoft play it safe or just put out high-budget powerhouses, without really trying anything outside of the box.

Third parties are reluctant to develop for the Wii and 3DS for good reason. The technology is new to them, and they essentially have to learn a new language in order to develop for them, whereas 360 and PS3 provide a much easier platform to build upon.

I think this rift will always exist, and I feel it is a necessary one. We as the consumer/gamer get a broad range of choices, as do game developers. Microsoft and Sony's current competing idioms are similar enough, and we can likely expect a v2.0 or more of the same (however you want to look at it) in the next generation. We don't need a third console that's more of the same.

Let Sony and Microsoft duke it out while Nintendo thinks forward and outside the box. (While also dominating world sales) Smilie

( Edited 23.05.2011 23:14 by Red XIII )

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Actually Dr. Shrapnel the Cure saw Capcom vs. SNK 2 on it so I wouldn't go that far.

It is unfortunatly true that Nintendo has a stigma built against it when it comes to the ps2 starting, self dubbed "hardcore" gamer & those ignorant types refuse to play any game on a Nintendo system on principal...& Nintendo needs to make it a priority to get around that. Hopefully they'll submit more to the egotistical publics demands so that they'll be willing to own a Nintendo system for once & stop missing out. But with mistakes like not including online play for StarFox 3DS it doesn't look good.

Its too early to say ANYTHING but it is a shame this is happening to Nintendo. Those of us experienced 20+ year gaming veterans will still support Nintendo because we know better....I just hope this will be the slap in the face Nintendo needs like how SOny kinda got with the terrible press it got for the LONGEST time & with the PSN getting hacked.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Cube as in GameCube...sorry about that my phone's auto word correction sucks.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Nintendo cant do anything to please 3rd parties other then make worse games themselves. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Dr. Shrapnel (guest) said:
So in the end Wii was a big money maker for Nintendo, and little else. A system that sprinted out of the starting gate, but lost the marathon to the 360 and PS3.
Capcom pulling Wii support only makes sense, although I'm suprised they're scaling back on the 3DS. That's not a good sign, but in this day and age of cheap games on phones and touch devices it's not a suprise.
Naturally the devoted Nintendo sheep think the Cafe's going to be getting all of the big name games Microsoft and Sony get. Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Nintendo hasn't had a Street Fighter game on their console since the SNES! If the Gamecube was passed up, so could the Cafe. Third parties aren't going to suddenly jump into Nintendo's lap because they've got a new console like everyone thinks. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They care about their games and nothing else.

The Wii has been very successful for third parties. Capcom in particular have had a fair few Wii titles going platinum, and around two thirds of the Wii titles that've gone platinum are third party titles.

I suspect that the decrease in production of titles for the Nintendo consoles is down to Capcom increasing the budgets for each of them. They've had a resounding success with SSFIV on the 3DS compared to other third party titles because they spent the time and money to produce a top quality game.

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