Team Ninja Want to do 3D Gameplay

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2011

Team Ninja Want to do 3D Gameplay on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite crafting a 3DS title already, Team Ninja are hoping to better make use of the technology within the gameplay.

Team Ninja studio head Yosuke Hayashi had a chat with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, revealing the team's desire to use 3D within the game's design, rather than just for a purely visual effect.

There’s a particular enjoyment to a game designed specifically for 3D... While I don’t know exactly when I will land any such future projects, I think the challenge of the games I make from now on will be quite rewarding.

Hayashi is interested in seeing what other devs come up with, however wants to be the first to "find that door" to what would have seemed impossible on Nintendo's new portable.

At the moment Team Ninja is crafting a new Ninja Gaiden game that aims to be different from the main console entries. "When we get this answer just right, we will show it to all of you", Hayashi said back in February.

Box art for Dead or Alive Dimensions

Team Ninja


Tecmo Koei





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