EA Tackles FIFA 12 onto 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2011 2

EA Tackles FIFA 12 onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Football’s coming home with the latest chapter in the long-running FIFA championship tackling its way onto the 3DS this fall.

FIFA 12's extensive console selection will also include Nintendo 3DS and by the looks of things won't be skimping on features. Over 500 officially licensed football clubs, touch-screen controls, the inclusion of 3D Street Football and eight different modes make the new project EA's biggest hand-held football game to date. There's even online play and character creation.

Image for EA Tackles FIFA 12 onto 3DS

To compliment the traditional footy play, the lower touch screen will be used for precision shooting using a player's viewpoint, drawing different passes, shots and shoots on goal. 3D Street Football takes a stronger 3D approach through a lower camera that's said to "maximise 3D planes" for an improved 3D depth of field.

Finally there'll be a full "Be a Pro" mode where fans can build their own football star and follow their offspring to become the next legend, hopefully without the adultery and badly scented perfume.

Image for EA Tackles FIFA 12 onto 3DS

We challenged our development team to develop innovative features that would maximize the FIFA experience on 3DS. They delivered intuitive new touch screen controls and a curved pitch in our Street mode that truly brings the 3D elements to life. When you combine these features and many other innovations with all the authentic players and kits for the upcoming season, we are confident that this will be the best football game available on Nintendo 3DS.

Matt Prior, Producer for FIFA 12 on Nintendo 3DS.

Box art for FIFA 12



EA Sports





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Sounding great as long as the touchscreen controls are implemented well...and the online goodness combined with the full licensing seals the deal for me. Konami really messed up by not having online multiplayer for Pro Evo, what were they thinking..?!? Smilie

I will more than likely get this 2 or 3 years after initial release, while everyone else has 13 or 14. I really don't see why people buy a new FIFA every year, where everything is more or less the same as it was the previous year. Smilie

( Edited 12.05.2011 01:37 by Mush123 )

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