Tales of the Abyss Confirmed for Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2011 4

Tales of the Abyss Confirmed for Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: Namco Bandai has confirmed an European release.
During Namco Bandai’s Level-Up event in Dubai this morning the publisher confirmed a 2012 release for Tales of the Abyss 3DS in Europe.

Original story:
According to the latest issue of NGamer magazine, out soon for subscribers, Tales of the Abyss 3DS is also bound for Europe.

Discussing the feature, NGamer staff member Matthew lets slip that Namco Bandai's 3D port of the classic PlayStation 2 game is also bound for Europe after recently being confirmed for North America.

I've noticed that Tales of the Abyss is listed as a Spring 2012 for release. Given that Japan's getting it in June, does this date mean that Europe will actually be receiving the game?

It surely does. I thought this had already been announced. Hope I haven't accidentally broken some top secret embargo!

Box art for Tales of the Abyss

Namco Tales


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (6 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Please make this be true Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Please make this be true Smilie
Looks like your wish just came true. Smilie

2012 is still quite a ways off though. Smilie

Better than nothing Shane Smilie. I'll be getting this fo sho.

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