Nintendo Updates Million Sellers List

By Adam Riley 26.04.2011 7

Nintendo Updates Million Sellers List on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has updated its list of million-selling video games across Wii, DS and 3DS. The main new entries to the list over the last financial year are the likes of Professor Layton and the Lost Future, which was published by Level-5 in Japan, and Dragon Quest IX, which was handled by Square Enix in Japan. Donkey Kong Country, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Mario Sports Mix, and Wii Party are also strong additions to the top-selling list. Interestingly as well, Super Mario 64 DS features due to it nearly reaching a million sales alone in the US and Europe during 2010!

As for the Nintendo 3DS, only one first-party title made the cut, the three versions of nintendogs + Cats, although Capcom has also announced that a million copies of Super Street Fighter IV 3D have been shipped worldwide.

Check out the full list below, with games that sold a million units between April 2010 and March 2011 being featured:

Nintendo DS

  • New Super Mario Bros. - 26,880,000
  • Mario Kart DS - 21,040,000
  • Pokémon Black / White - 11,510,000
  • Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver - 11,900,000
  • Super Mario 64 DS - 9,650,000
  • Mario Party DS - 8,210,000
  • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - 4,130,000
  • Professor Layton and the Lost Future - 1,970,000
  • Art Academy - 1,900,000
  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! - 1,780,000
  • Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies - 1,050,000


  • Wii Sports - 76,760,000
  • Wii Balance Board (bundled with Wii Fit/Wii Fit Plus) - >35,000,000
  • Wii Sports Resort - 27,680,000
  • Mario Kart Wii - 27,000,000
  • New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 21,940,000
  • Wii Fit Plus - 18,490,000
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 - 6,360,000
  • Wii Party - 5,770,000
  • Donkey Kong Country Returns - 4,980,000
  • Super Mario All-Stars - 2,240,000
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn - 1,590,000
  • Mario Sports Mix - 1,540,000

Nintendo 3DS

  • nintendogs + cats - 1,710,000
Are you surprised to see Pilotwings Resort and Metroid: Other M missing from the list? What other big Nintendo releases are missing from the above?

Box art for Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & Friends








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

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Sad to see that Metroid: Other M didn't make the 1 million mark since it's a actually a great game. Not a huge surprise though because Metroid games never sell insane amounts of copies and Other M didn't exactly benefit from all the bashing that has occurred on various websites as well. Smilie

Our member of the week

I'm stunned that Super Mario 64 DS still performed so well in 2010, 5 years after its release.

Also surprised about Mario Party DS. Not surprised that it performed well, because it's an awesome rendition of the series on handheld, from what I've tried, but surprised that it did THAT well, because I never really saw it break any Top 10 on any territory over the last few years.

Surprised to see Mario Kart Wii doing better than the DS one in the long run, despite the latter having been on sale for longer and the DS user base being much broader.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Dawn Paine of Nintendo UK (I think) actually stated the 25th Anniversary advertising last year boosted older Mario products like SM64DS and Mario Party DS considerably, because new DS owners saw them as brand new releases rather than the very old games we see them as.

Disappointed to see Metroid Other M perform so miserably compared to the Prime games Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

These sort of unit sales are just insane. Really, 27 million sold for Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros? That's just insane. Mario Kart Wii has grossed well over a billion dollars with those sales, if the average sale price is around $50.

Wow...... How the crap did Super Street Fighter IV not get on the million sellers for 3DS? It's got to be like really close..

On November 21st (in North America), you'll know where to find me... knee deep in empty styrofoam ramen noodle cups, swinging a Wii remote+ around with my massive arms I will have developed from playing Skyward Sword for 20 straight hours...

EthanOfNewBark said:
Wow...... How the crap did Super Street Fighter IV not get on the million sellers for 3DS? It's got to be like really close..

This list only includes Nintendo published titles.
Super Street Fighter IV is published by Capcom.

EthanOfNewBark said:
Wow...... How the crap did Super Street Fighter IV not get on the million sellers for 3DS? It's got to be like really close..

From the story:
As for the Nintendo 3DS, only one first-party title made the cut, the three versions of nintendogs + Cats, although Capcom has also announced that a million copies of Super Street Fighter IV 3D have been shipped worldwide.


( Edited 27.04.2011 01:40 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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