Nintendo Reveals Wii Play Motion Details

By Adam Riley 26.04.2011 5

Nintendo Reveals Wii Play Motion Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed some early details about Wii Play Motion, which is set for a July launch in Japan. Satoru Iwata, President of Nintendo, has confirmed that the process of development for the game known as Wii Remote Plus Variety in Japan was rather different than the norm. Initially, the prototype was developed by an in-house team, before the shell was then sent off to other external developers that have worked closely with Nintendo in the past. Their task was to throw their Wii MotionPlus ideas into the melting pot before everything was then brought back to Nintendo's internal group to sort out the twelve most enjoyable mini-games in order to produce the best possible end product that could be sold at a special budget retail price.

Are you looking forward to the summer release of the MotionPlus-only Wii Play Motion?

Box art for Wii Play Motion








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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"Are you looking forward to the summer release of Wii Play Motion?" Is that a serious question? Smilie

Well, I know many people loved the original Wii Play...but I couldn't stand it, so I'm quite intrigued to see what this new version's like and if there is a lot of interest in it from readers Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I think it's a rhetorical question.

But then, the original was fun, well, the Air Hockey game, Tanks and the Target game were. I guess you got what you paid for, a �£5 game with a Wii Remote.

jesusraz said:
Well, I know many people loved the original Wii Play...but I couldn't stand it, so I'm quite intrigued to see what this new version's like and if there is a lot of interest in it from readers Smilie

God that game was awful, only fun I had was with Tanks. Glad I traded that in.

I didn't really get that impression so far. I've seen it getting criticized a lot, mainly for being bland and repetitive. But then again, you got a Wiimote with it as well making it a very low priced release, so I guess you can't complain that much.

I'm still in need of a Wiimote Plus but I'll just wait in hope for a bundle with Skyward Sword. Smilie

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