Kirby's New DS Game Titled in Famitsu

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.04.2011 7


Nintendo has revealed the title for Kirby's latest side-scrolling adventure for DS - it's all about gathering fellow pink puffballs!

Back at the end of September last year HAL Laboratories revealed a forth project on the way of Nintendo's handheld - a mystery game with a handful of screens. It's now been confirmed as Atsumete! Kirby, which translates to "Gather! Kirby".

Your mission - to control a handful of erratic and slightly crazy Kirby (or should that be Kirbies?) with your stylus in new and familiar challenges to the Kirby world. You'll have up to ten Kirby at one time based on the number of fruit you've eaten throughout each stage.

If one of your Kirby crew suffer a few too many injuries, you can direct another to "recover his spirit" before it ascends to the heavens, EuroGamer reports.

Screens from last year's announcements:
Image for Kirby Image for Kirby

Via Andriasang.

What do you think about the Gather! Kirby concept?

Box art for Kirby Mass Attack

HAL Laboratory







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Wait, for the DS? Shouldn't Nintendo be worried about making software for the 3DS. Mind you, its sales have gone down pretty fast.

Moshi (guest) 14.04.2011#2

I think the DS still has some life about it, plus it's an older game that HAL/Nintendo are only talking about now so it's probably close to completing!

OMG, ten Kirby running around on the screen? That's cuteness overload.

@bornforthis43: 3DS sales slowed down worldwide because of Japan due to obvious reasons.

Since I won't be buying a 3DS until 2012 at the earliest, I'm glad that we'll get a new Kirby game on DS... unless for some reason Nintendo decides to rework this for the 3DS with several extras.

EdEN said:
@bornforthis43: 3DS sales slowed down worldwide because of Japan due to obvious reasons.

Obviously the earthquake had something to do with the slowdown, but there have also been reports of lots of people selling back their 3DS's. I mean, I haven't bought one yet, as I'm waiting for the killer games like Star Fox, OoT, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Kid Icarus, etc. get released.

amanda (guest) 14.04.2011#6

i like the game for my game boySmilie

Well always good that Nintendo are supporting the DS too, this one's probably been in development for some time anyway, with a different studio - Good Feel - doing the Wii Kirby (Epic Yarn).

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