Starfox 64 3D Gets Dated in Japan

By 13.04.2011 13

Starfox 64 3D Gets Dated in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced a release date for one of their upcoming games. Yesterday saw a number of games get dated in Europe, including the much anticipated The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Now the company have announced that Starfox 64 3D will be flying to store shelves on July 14th 2011. Though unfortunately, no date was given for Europe or the US.

On top of a Japanese release date, Nintendo have also put up a teaser site to wet your appetite for the game. The site is fairly limited in terms of content, but there is footage from the new title sequence shown in a number of small boxes and also includes the iconic title music playing in the background.

In related news, Nintendo also launched the official Japanese site for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

Box art for Star Fox 64 3D








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Love the little looped animation at the bottom, can't wait! Not long till a EU/US release hopefully.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hopefully it's like with Ocarina of Time where we all get it within the same week. Smilie

their keeping the 64 bit? i thought 3ds was a 128bit console.

Our member of the week

welshwuff said:
their keeping the 64 bit? i thought 3ds was a 128bit console.

There's no such thing as a 128-bit console. The PS2/GameCube/XBox had either 32-bit or 64-bit processors, or a combination of the two, and so do the current gen consoles. 128-bit is just a monicker.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

AWESOMEEEE! Hopefully the EU release will follow shortly.
Any ideas whether it's going to be called Star Fox or Lylat Wars in the UK?

It's a question that has got me thinking for quite some time. Smilie

What with Zelda, Mercs 3D and this coming out during June/July it's gonna be a great couple of months for the 3DS. Smilie


( Edited 13.04.2011 18:40 by Mush123 )

It's down as "StarFox 64 3D" I *think* in every territory, though will need to confirm that with Nintendo. Don't think it will be Lylat given the more recent StarFox Adventures and DS releases over here no problem.

Most people should know Star Fox rather than Lylat, and fans know Lylat = SF64 so it'll be win/win if they stick with Star Fox 64 3D imo.

( Edited 14.04.2011 00:08 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
It's down as "StarFox 64 3D" I *think* in every territory, though will need to confirm that with Nintendo. Don't think it will be Lylat given the more recent StarFox Adventures and DS releases over here no problem.

Most people should know Star Fox rather than Lylat, and fans know Lylat = SF64 so it'll be win/win if they stick with Star Fox 64 3D imo.

Yeah, I thought it may be StarFox because of all the legal issues being sorted since Starfox Adventures. Wasn't too sure though.

I kinda liked the name Lylat Wars, but yeah.
I have often found myself calling it StarFox 64. Smilie

( Edited 14.04.2011 00:57 by Mush123 )

Later than I thought it would be, but finally a timescale.

One of my all time favourites, redone. Jizz.


Will probably be a September/October release for EU and US since I'm sure this'll be a good game to sell during the Xmas period.

I'll be sure to get this since I haven't played through the first one.

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Isn't it "whet your appetite"? Or maybe that's another difference between British English and American English, idk.

Anyway, since I've never played Starfox 64, except at friends' houses, I will definitely keep an eye out for this. I just hope the care and attention from the OoT remake gets put into this one. The character models look pretty good in the trailer.

If you cross your eyes, the trailer is in 3D.

PMD said:
Isn't it "whet your appetite"? Or maybe that's another difference between British English and American English, idk.

Yeah, it's "whet your appetite".
"Whet" means to make more keen/stimulated. Think Whetstone, it's used to sharpen knives and weapons.. or make them more "keen".

You guys are grammar whores (most members in general), do you just read through news posts trying to find mistakes? Smilie

( Edited 14.04.2011 14:57 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
You guys are grammar whores (most members in general), do you just read through news posts trying to find mistakes?

I didn't notice it at first, haha. I was just saying PMD was right.

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