Pandora's Tower Wii - New Video, Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.04.2011 11


Japanese developer Ganbarion recently revealed new details and a trailer for upcoming Wii RPG Pandora's Tower in Famitsu Magazine.

Described as an action RPG, the main goal is to save a 15 year old singer, a girl known as Ceres, who is victim to an unfortunate curse. Just before Ceres was about to sing at the "festivals of the monsoon", a creature randomly appears and knocks her out, inflicting a deadly curse. The poor girl was to be taken away by the kingdom's army, but is saved by protagonist Ende. The young man, together with a merchant named Graia help Ceres to escape.

To break the curse you'll need to defeat enemies with your primary tool - " Orichalcum" - a chain used to capture enemies, nab items and trigger actions. The chain also monitors how much health Ceres has... how much time she has left.


Ganbarion is best known for Jump Super/Ultimate Stars on DS and One Piece: Unlimited series for Wii.

Pandora's Tower is due out on May 26th in Japan.

Box art for Pandora's Tower





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

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Looks interesting, though I'd really like to know if there's more to the gameplay than just fighting. Oh well, what am I saying, it's not like this game is going to make it outside of Japan anyways. Smilie

I think it looks alright, not what I expected but then there hasn't been much news on the game. Might turn out to be a good game.

And I think it might have a good chance of coming outside of Japan considering the genre of the game.

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It's an Action RPG, and with the developer of it being an expert in fighting...sounds good to me. Let's just hope Nintendo's heavily involved in the story and gameplay balancing elements so there actually is an RPG part to the Action RPG tag!

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To give Ceres more time, you're supposed to feed her monter meat too (read that off another website)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm not really into hack and slash titles, and from the small bits of gameplay, it looks ok, nothing too spectacular.

Ooh, this is the game with the sexy back.

I thought that one was supposed to be Nintendo-developed?

SirLink said:
Looks interesting, though I'd really like to know if there's more to the gameplay than just fighting. Oh well, what am I saying, it's not like this game is going to make it outside of Japan anyways. Smilie

DON'T JINX IT!!!! I hope this comes to the states, Europe is getting Xenoblade so the US had better get that & we both need Last Story.

The letter at the bottom near the end of the trailer was C....that means this game will be M rated? Interesting...Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:

DON'T JINX IT!!!! I hope this comes to the states, Europe is getting Xenoblade so the US had better get that & we both need Last Story.

The letter at the bottom near the end of the trailer was C....that means this game will be M rated? Interesting...Smilie

NoA would be mad to not release Xenoblade in the US too since the English localisation is already done and may only need changes from BE to AE.

Xenoblade is coming to the US too Vorash Kadan, it's pretty obvious that Nintendo will localise the game just wait till E3 for confirmation for both Xenoblade and The Last Story.

Looks interesting. I'd like to se more of the RPG elements, I think. Is there a skill tree? exp system?
I've seen FPS and RPG blended pretty well, not sure if I've ever played a fighter-RPG. Definitely keeping my eye on this one.

NNID: crackedthesky
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If they are releasing Xenoblade here, they should definitely release The Last Story since I'm sure more people are excited about that. Not that Xenoblade looks bad, but it may have less appeal to some.

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