Capcom's Mario Coin World Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.04.2011 5


During this year's AOU arcade expo Capcom revealed a first look at their New Super Mario Bros-inspired multiplayer arcade game.

Announced late last year, New Super Mario Bros. Coin World is a joint effort between both Capcom and Nintendo, letting players complete in a series of Mario mini-games by betting and winning tokens. Up to four can go head to head, with the person meeting Bowser first being declared the winner, with the chance to nab a Mario jackpot!

Image for Capcom

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That looks cool, but why did they name it "New Super Mario Bros. Wii Coin World". I think they should have removed the "Wii" from the title.

I like when Capcom and Nintendo work together. It makes me happeh. :3

Sonic_13 said:
That looks cool, but why did they name it "New Super Mario Bros. Wii Coin World". I think they should have removed the "Wii" from the title.

It's running on Wii architecture - using the same arcade board Capcom created for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom (Arcade).

"New Super Mario Bros Wii" has more draw, being one of the biggest selling games in Japan to date.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I dont know why US doesnt get this stuff... just adds to the "things I envy of japan" :< T^T

No plans to release in the West on Wii

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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