One of the Most Popular PC RPGs in Japan......Coming to the GameCube?C3 Speculation - Originally created in 1987, the YS series of RPGs has been a huge success on PCs across Japan, selling many millions of copies to date. The games follow a hero by the name of Adol Chrisitian and is much-loved thanks to its delightful characters, intricate plot twists and immense world that is crammed full of beautiful detail. Today Konami, the creators of the seminal Suikoden RPG series for the PlayStation, announced that it intends on bringing the latest YS title that came out in September of 2003 on the PC, YSVI - The Arc of Napishtim, to consoles in Japan by Winter of 2004. Konami have come to an agreement with the original developer, Nihon Falcom Corporation, stating that it will enhance the in-game graphics, refine the gameplay mechanics as well as incorporate a range of new enemies and missions to keep the game fresh for its re-release. GameCube fans may want to hold their breath, because the statement mentions 'consoles' plural, and since this game will most likely only get a Japanese release for the time being, it is not likely that the XBOX will get a look in due to its dire performance in the Land of the Rising Sun so far. Therefore the natural choice, even for Konami who has shunned the GC quite considerably this generation, is to port to the PS2 and GC. In fact, the light-hearted nature of the title would be most suited to Nintendo's system anyway. As soon as more details arise, C3 will be the first to bring them to you! For now, though, below there is a screenshot from the game for you to look at: Please Post Your Comments Below!