Hudson Designers to Retire if Konami Makes Demands

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.03.2011 4

Hudson Designers to Retire if Konami Makes Demands on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A pair of designers for Momotaro Dentetsu at Hudson have vowed to retire if Konami makes too many demands and changes in content.

From Friday 1st April publisher Konami will have complete control of the studio as a fully owned subsidiary. Konami would now have the final say on all Hudson franchises - including the iconic Bomberman, Bonk and Momotaro Dentetsu.

Akira Sakuma and illustrator Takayuki Doi both agreed that they'd leave Hudson if Konami stepped in and made significant changes to franchise content and the development team.

Currently there hasn't been any requests from Konami.

I haven't received these types of requests from Konami. But I believe Konami has its own way of doing things. I want to adopt the good things, and intend to follow if I can. However, next summer, I turn 60. At this age, I can't make dramatic changes, and it's about time that I begin to enter the settling down part of life.

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BioMystro (guest) 30.03.2011#1

... April Fool?

I've always felt Hudson's games are always half finished, maybe this'll improve quality, this also might explain all the titles getting canceled, Hudson were in deep trouble.

Strong Konami involvement wouldn't be such a bad thing, just look at the tack Hudson have given us in recent years. And the new Bonk for XBLA & PSN looks ugly.

Konami aren't doing that great themselves, aside from MGS their output has been pretty crap also.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Yeah, I'm not sure why but a lot of the Japanese game companies are not doing well (at least in the West) while Western game developers just keep getting bigger and bigger.

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