Rumour: Capcom Was to Show Monster Hunter 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.03.2011 20

Rumour: Capcom Was to Show Monster Hunter 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Recent rumours suggest that Capcom were to debut Monster Hunter 3DS at the annual Monster Hunter Festa in Japan this month.

Due to the devastation that occurred earlier this month in Japan, Capcom cancelled the remaining stops and competition finals in the Festa tour. According to 8-4 podcast (via GoNintendo), the 3DS game was to be confirmed during the event.

Would you like to see a portable 3D outing for Capcom's ever-popular Monster Hunter franchise?

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( Edited 20.01.2013 02:28 by Guest )

Definitely, I find that games like these suit handhelds perfectly, I tend to play them before I go to sleep and I can't sit for ages playing them on a TV i.e. that's why Animal Crossing: Wild World worked so well. I've always envied the PSP versions. I would even just be happy with Monter hunter Tri ported. There won't even be that much graphical difference.

( Edited 20.01.2013 02:28 by Guest )

Monster Hunter is one of my favorite franchises despite only playing Tri. I normally don't play console games, but I managed to put in hundreds of hours in (offline mode) Tri. I can't imagine what would happen to my life it were released on the 3DS that I can play any time.

( Edited 20.01.2013 02:28 by Guest )

This will be true, I just know it. Production costs for the 3DS will be cheaper than the NGP, Capcom will opt for the 3DS and the Nintendo fans will rejoice and be happy. Whilst the Sony fans will be bitching to Capcom for it not being on the NGP.

I think Capcom have grown a strong liking to Nintendo and the 3DS, I mean, just look at the franchises they're putting out there. Nintendo hasn't had a Street Fighter title for years, now they have SSIV and possibly the greatest version of it. We didn't get RE5 on a Nintendo system.. but we get even better. Not one, but two EXCLUSIVE Resident Evil games. (Mercenaries may not count to some of you, but it does to me.) We're getting Mega Man Legends 3, and we even have Ono-san wanting Nintendo vs Capcom, MvC 3DS, SF x Tekken 3DS, etc.

Capcom are bringing the good shit to the 3DS and I don't think they'll stop at just those. I believe that Capcom will bring a MH game to the 3DS, even if it's released on both the 3DS and PSP/NGP. It will happen. Have faith, my friends. Smilie

( Edited 20.01.2013 02:28 by Guest )

If this turns out to be true I will probably pass out with joy! I love Monster Hunter and a 3ds version would be immense. One to keep an eye out for.

( Edited 28.12.2012 03:40 by Guest )

Holy shit, if this is true then my pants will probably end up being glued to my legs.Smilie

( Edited 28.12.2012 03:40 by Guest )

Master of the Obvious (guest) 28.03.2011#7

Hell YES.
We need Monster Hunter on the 3DS!

A 3D AND portable Monster Hunter? Now I know what game I'll purchase along with my eventual system purchase...

Our member of the week

I have yet to play extensively my Wii Monster Hunter 3 Smilie. But i'd be thrilled if they were to release a Monster Hunter on 3DS. Not so much for the 3D but because I don't own a PSP and this game is well suited for portable gaming...

... AND it's a HUGE system seller in Japan, which would be a good point for the console Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Mush123 said:
Long encouraging speech..

I agree 100%! Smilie Smilie

nintendo fan! (guest) 28.03.2011#11

i love moster hunter and nintendo

J. Crofts (guest) 28.03.2011#12

I'd like it to be an expanded version of Tri.

SirLink said:
Mush123 said:
Long encouraging speech..

I agree 100%! Smilie Smilie

Yay. :3
Thanks. Smilie

I'd love that.

Do you expect a 'TriD' or a MH4?

Our member of the week

Canyarion said:
I'd love that.

Do you expect a 'TriD' or a MH4?

MH4, definitely. They didn't just pulled a RE5 for 3DS when they could (they had a working prototype but they still went for a completely new game), so I can see them going all out on the Monster Hunter side as well. They really believe in the potential of the console so I'm confident that this will not just be a cheap port of an existing game.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

A game of that type would look incredible in 3D, I hope they take their time with it. It may be announced or shown at Capcom's upcoming Captivate event, but the Japanese will have to play it first, otherwise there would be an uproar.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

MH only thing that had was keeping psp alive im sure it sell like crazy on 3DS

There were rumours of this before. About half a year ago?

It would be a perfect fi for the 3DS. Capcom did a wonderfull job with Tri. And with better online, 3D effects, better shaders and DLC this can be a monster title (yeah, yeah. Pun intended). Just thinking of the monsters in 3D makes me all excited for this Smilie

Geowolf (guest) 29.03.2011#19

Unbelievably AWESOME!

mumui10 (guest) 12.04.2011#20

i hope this is true because in psp the controls is worst. i know nintendo can make a good controls of it.

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