This will be true, I just know it. Production costs for the 3DS will be cheaper than the NGP, Capcom will opt for the 3DS and the Nintendo fans will rejoice and be happy. Whilst the Sony fans will be bitching to Capcom for it not being on the NGP.
I think Capcom have grown a strong liking to Nintendo and the 3DS, I mean, just look at the franchises they're putting out there. Nintendo hasn't had a Street Fighter title for years, now they have SSIV and possibly the greatest version of it. We didn't get RE5 on a Nintendo system.. but we get even better. Not one, but two EXCLUSIVE Resident Evil games. (Mercenaries may not count to some of you, but it does to me.) We're getting Mega Man Legends 3, and we even have Ono-san wanting Nintendo vs Capcom, MvC 3DS, SF x Tekken 3DS, etc.
Capcom are bringing the good shit to the 3DS and I don't think they'll stop at just those. I believe that Capcom will bring a MH game to the 3DS, even if it's released on both the 3DS and PSP/NGP. It will happen. Have faith, my friends. 
( Edited 20.01.2013 02:28 by Guest )