Ridge Racer Lands on Nintendo 3DS in EU

By Adam Riley 25.03.2011

Ridge Racer Lands on Nintendo 3DS in EU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe is leading the charge of incredible new glasses-free 3D video game experiences for the newly launched Nintendo 3DS with Ridge Racer 3D, available now at retailers across Europe. In the latest iteration of the global smash hit Ridge Racer series, players will get to grips with a car-load of great new features and an all-new third dimension of high-speed drifting and nitro-fuelled racing.

In Ridge Racer 3D, drift through hairpin turns at blistering speeds to edge out the rest of the pack with powerful drift-tuned cars. Using the stereoscopic 3D power of the Nintendo 3DS, players will experience a powerful new level of in-your-face intimacy with the on-screen races. The 3D depth of field lets players accurately judge the distance between them and the competition for some of the most intense arcade racing ever seen. Dirt flies through the screen on rough terrain and nitrous flames burst out of tail pipes in a brilliant show of the game's particle effects.

Other features include an all-new line up of high-powered muscle machines joining the existing in-game selection of race-tuned road beasts, while the new Drift Button brings makes it easier than ever to pull off spectacular turns through tight corners without losing position. New, exciting and vibrant courses include canyons and snow-capped mountains alongside favourite courses from previous Ridge Racer titles.

Ad Hoc multiplayer mode lets up to four players battle it out for drift supremacy. Choose a registered Mii, tag, or your own photo to appear above your machine during a race and know exactly who you’re racing against. Swap Ghost data with other players through StreetPass, and create your personal ‘My Ranking’ profile by swapping course records with friends. Racing with friends has never been this hot.

Ridge Racer 3D for Nintendo 3DS is available now at retailers across Europe and Cubed3's review of the game can be read here.

Box art for Ridge Racer 3D

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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