Nintendo 3DS Gets Green Lantern

By Adam Riley 05.04.2011 6

Nintendo 3DS Gets Green Lantern on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have announced their debut title for the Nintendo 3DS will be Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters.

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is set to invade the third dimension in the UK on 10th June, 2011 in conjunction with Warner Bros. Pictures’ epic superhero feature film Green Lantern scheduled for release on 17th June, 2011. The upcoming game title will also be available in standard 2D only for Wii and Nintendo DS, delivering an immersive experience across all platforms for Green Lantern fans that the entire family will enjoy.

The Nintendo 3DS version of the game is designed specifically to take advantage of the system’s stereoscopic 3D capabilities and deliver multi-plane graphics that delve players further into the Green Lantern universe.

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is inspired by Warner Bros Pictures’ upcoming Green Lantern film, which brings the enduringly popular DC Comics Super Hero to the big screen for the first time and stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role as Hal Jordan, the newest member of the Green Lantern Corps. In the video game, gamers can use an arsenal of amazing constructs and take flight across the deepest parts of the universe to restore intergalactic order by wielding the ultimate weapon: the Green Lantern Power Ring.

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is in development for Wii, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS by Griptonite Games.

Check out the media album below for more screens.

Box art for Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters



Warner Bros.





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Well it's still a game based on a movie so there's no guarentee it'll be good. NONE of the Transformers movie based games were any good even with superior graphics....hopefully these guys have learned & listened to our gamer outcry of sorrow.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Meh, give us a Batman Arkham Asylum spin-off.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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Reminds me of Superman 64. Smilie

Marzy said:
Reminds me of Superman 64. Smilie
If this is anything like Superman 64, it's definitely a contender for GOTY. Smilie

Man, movie-based games are almost never good. Seriously I'm kinda new so I can't post a link just yet there's a Cracked article that pretty much says this: Most movie-based games suck because when they are made at the same time as the movie, they are just tie-in merchandise made with no real effort. (Read: the ET game that almost killed gaming was made in six weeks.) The only good movie based games are Goldeneye for N64, the first Godfather game, and the recent Ghostbusters game. Why? They were made way after the movies, as standalone games, not interactive ads. (And yes, anything funny in that post re-worded from that Cracked article.) EDIT: I just hope Warner Bros. doesn't make the same mistake. I like Green Lantern so I really hope the game does the movie justice.

( Edited 03.06.2011 22:50 by EthanOfNewBark )

On November 21st (in North America), you'll know where to find me... knee deep in empty styrofoam ramen noodle cups, swinging a Wii remote+ around with my massive arms I will have developed from playing Skyward Sword for 20 straight hours...

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