No Hands Needed for New Capcom 3DS Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2011 2

No Hands Needed for New Capcom 3DS Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week's edition of Japanese magazine Famitsu touched upon a new 3DS project from Capcom that requires everything but your hands!

Translating to Nazo Waku Yakata, the game makes use of the 3DS gyro sensors, microphone and touch features but doesn't require the use of your bone-filled digits. Sound also gets a boost with a 3D sound scheme via headphones or, according to Andriasang your PC (presumably through a hi-fi speaker system through the headphone jack).

Tadahiro Uesugi will pen character designs, Yukinori Kitajima the scenarios and direction by Minoru Nakai.

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Hmm, Zack & Wiki spiritual successor, anyone? Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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If what I read on french website nintendo-master is to be believed, this is far from being like zack & wiki Smilie.

Apparently it involves visiting different rooms of a mansion, each having you take part in a different activity like meeting a girl for a massage, lighting a fire in a hearth, chasing an insect or keeping the 3DS as stable as possible (!). Sounds weird... You can even talk to other characters in the mansion by addressing them with the mic (a voice recognition system I guess).

They say development on the title is already 60% complete.

( Edited 23.03.2011 23:43 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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