Konno on 3DS Chat, Demos and Forced 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2011 3

Konno on 3DS Chat, Demos and Forced 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo 3DS producer Hideki Konno recently hinted at the possibility of a 3DS chat system via a system update in the future.

Aside from viewing whether a friend is online, their friend code and favourite game, there isn't too much you can do with your wireless 3DS buddies. Speaking to Wired during GDC 2011, Konno was quizzed as to whether the new handheld would include a form of messaging system in the future, at least between 3DS friends.

The answer - he thinks the idea is "interesting to do" and that Nintendo are making system updates to push to 3DS adopters in the future. Perhaps a 3DS version of the popular DS system software, PictoChat?

Konno was also asked whether he thought releasing demos was a good idea. He's not sure if they're an effective way of persuading gamers to buy full retail-releases or pay for a download.

There are cases where people play a demo game and they’re satisfied with that play experience and they don’t buy the game. There are also times when they play a demo and think, ‘Wow, this is great, I’m going to buy this when I have the chance.’ So whether or not it’s an effective use of resources, I’m not sure.

Finally, he re-iterated Nintendo's stance on 3D mentioned during E3 2010 - there won't be any games that force players to use 3D to play.

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There are cases where people play a demo game and they’re satisfied with that play experience and they don’t buy the game.

How do you know they just didnt like it at all?

Either you make your demos far too long, or your games are too simple if people are genuienly satisfied with a demo and dont want to play the full thing.

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I played the Art of Balance Demo on WiiWare and felt that I'd played enough of the game that I didn't need to purchase it. However, I played the demo for Mirror's Edge on 360 repeatedly, and purchased the game on its release. There is an art to demoes that I don't think Nintendo has fully mastered yet.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

There are also demos like Tales of Vesperia which are totally underwhelming compared to the actual game and put people off >w>

Either way being so hesitant to release demos is an extremely annoying stance from Nintendo.

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