Capcom's Early Mega Man 3DS Screens

By Adam Riley 12.03.2011 1


Capcom has unveiled a selection of screenshots from Mega Man Legends 3 on Nintendo 3DS. Known as Rockman DASH Hagane no Bōkenshin in Japan, the eagerly awaited third entry into the action role-playing series is set to be unveiled at a special Nintendo 3DS event being held by Capcom in the near future over in Japan, but preceding that, the company has lifted the lid on not only some new in-development screenshots, but via the official developer blog some of the early in-progress images. The screens range from June, August and September of last year, and the improvements are definitely clear to see.

Check out all the images in the game's media folder below.

Is Mega Man Legends 3 one of your most wanted games on Nintendo 3DS, and what do you want added following the first two games?


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Nice to see the team isn't scared to show off the really early prototype shots...

I'm quite intrigued about this - not played the first two, but because of the hype around the series, I can't help but be!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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