Final Fantasy VI for Euro Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2011 8

Final Fantasy VI for Euro Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Magic is alive once more! Square Enix is bringing the original SNES version of Final Fantasy VI (III) to the European Virtual Console next week.

The Square RPG classic, ported to the Playstation and GameBoy Advance, can now be played in its original 16-bit entirety on your living room box once more. To make things ever-so-slightly confusing, the game was also released in North America as Final Fantasy III, rather than VI.

Magic disappeared forever. Centuries have passed and a rational world now exists with the magical Espers living only in myths, until one frozen solid since the ancient wars is unearthed. Suddenly, there are reports of magic attacks on civilians. Imperial Commandos launch raids using magic-powered MagiTek weapons. Magic is obviously alive and the world is in danger again.

Who or what is behind the rediscovery and redeployment of this legendary power? What chaotic plans exist that will wreak havoc on this orderly world?

Fans will be able to grab hold of a copy from March 18th, for 900 Wii Points.

Box art for Final Fantasy VI





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I bought this for $30 on the GBA but never finished it. For some reason, it's very hard for me to play a lot of older games, unless it's like Mario or Sonic. I'm not even sure I'd be able to play Pokemon Red again.

( Edited 11.03.2011 00:36 by PMD )

Finally, I've never played FF6, but I've heard that it's the best FF in the series, so now I have the chance to get it (got 1300 Wiipoints left).

Now would it be worth waiting for a 3DS remake, or getting this instead?

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Stulaw said:
Finally, I've never played FF6, but I've heard that it's the best FF in the series, so now I have the chance to get it (got 1300 Wiipoints left).

Now would it be worth waiting for a 3DS remake, or getting this instead?

I was thinking the same thing. Surely V and VI are due for 3DS remakes if Square keeps their trend up.

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breezygirl (guest) 11.03.2011#4

Stulaw said:
Finally, I've never played FF6, but I've heard that it's the best FF in the series, so now I have the chance to get it (got 1300 Wiipoints left).

Now would it be worth waiting for a 3DS remake, or getting this instead?

also, I'm sure they'll come out with PSP versions as well. And they'll be redone without the 16 bit graphics. and probably have better voiceovers.

I'm gonna wait for the 3DS remakes of FF5 and FF6. Smilie
I've got the SNES versions on the PSone which are great (minus the long disc loading times >.<)

Its a tough call really -- if you haven't played FF6 before you owe to yourself to play it. Its my personal favorite in the series, and my favorite RPG of all time.

..but that said I'd say the chance of a 3DS remake is very strong. Its just going to be more than a few years off, considering V is still standing in the way.

No harm buying both. Smilie

Tempting, but I prefer playing my RPGs(at least those types) on my DS, so I'll wait for the eventual 3DS remakes of V and VI as I already own III and IV. Smilie With Pokémon White right now and soon Okamiden and The World Ends With You I'm more than busy already anyways. Smilie

breezygirl (guest) said: also, I'm sure they'll come out with PSP versions as well. And they'll be redone without the 16 bit graphics. and probably have better voiceovers.

Heh fat chance buddy boy, first off the originals NEVER had any voice acting & the FF4 remake on DS had great voice acting so that's not needed. No FF6 will remain a Nintendo exclusive since that was the LAST Final Fantasy Nintendo had all to I miss those days.

( Edited 21.05.2015 02:50 by Azuardo )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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