New Okamiden Trailers Showcase New Characters

By Richard 23.02.2011 5

New Okamiden Trailers Showcase New Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have released two new trailers for Okamiden on Nintendo DS. The two trailers showcase the three new characters: Charity, Aji and Umami.

Charity is Manpuku’s mother. After vigorously studying the art of cooking for Manpuku, she is now able to create the finest dishes out of the simplest of weeds. However, it is because of this skill that she is sought after by Orochi and is kidnapped by the wicked demons!



Okamiden is due for release on Nintendo DS in North America on the 15th of March, and on the 18th of March in Europe.

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I'd really like to watch this since I can't possibly wait for Okamiden(seriously, my hype is almost at Zelda level and that says a lot) but I really have to slowly stop spoiling whole games in advance. If I was able to successfully resist reading any Pokémon Black/White spoilers until now, I can do this too. Smilie

Releasing this on the DS and not the 3DS is a HUGE mistake. They should have delayed it and ported it to the new machine.

The Okami series is doomed for failure.

Canyarion said:
Releasing this on the DS and not the 3DS is a HUGE mistake. They should have delayed it and ported it to the new machine.

The Okami series is doomed for failure.

The game was completed in July of last year, a few weeks after Nintendo showed off it's 3DS prototype at E3. I know this because I was visiting the development blog at the time.

The DS has a far larger user-base anyway, added to the fact there's also the issue of Capcom already having three high profile MT Mobile 3DS games. These MT games require sizeable development budgets, but they happen to be sure fire hits(- RE & SF). Okami is not and never has been profitable on any platform, so keeping it as a significantly cheaper DS project was the right thing to do. If Okamiden's sales in NA and Europe are positive, as Capcom expect them to be, we'll surely see another game on 3DS down the line, running on MT Mobile which is what Capcom will only use on the 3DS platform. If that proves successful, a return to consoles is inevitable, as MT Mobile code could be transferred onto consoles with relative ease.

( Edited 24.02.2011 14:34 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I played the demo, I miss the analoge stick for movement it feels odd with the dpad. like the movement is way to digital for a 3d game.
could be that the enviorment in the demo wasn't particularly big though.
Using the pen for the paintbrush is pretty good though!

Squidboy said:

The game was completed in July of last year, a few weeks after Nintendo showed off it's 3DS prototype at E3. I know this because I was visiting the development blog at the time.

The DS has a far larger user-base anyway, added to the fact there's also the issue of Capcom already having three high profile MT Mobile 3DS games. These MT games require sizeable development budgets, but they happen to be sure fire hits(- RE & SF). Okami is not and never has been profitable on any platform, so keeping it as a significantly cheaper DS project was the right thing to do. If Okamiden's sales in NA and Europe are positive, as Capcom expect them to be, we'll surely see another game on 3DS down the line, running on MT Mobile which is what Capcom will only use on the 3DS platform. If that proves successful, a return to consoles is inevitable, as MT Mobile code could be transferred onto consoles with relative ease.

Totally agree with you on that one. Smilie

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