New 3DS Trailers Show Pilotwings Resort and Others

By 23.02.2011 9

New 3DS Trailers Show Pilotwings Resort and Others on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Eager Nintendo 3DS buyers who want to see more of the launch titles in action can do, thanks to a number of new trailers released by Nintendo. The trailers show the various first-party games hitting the US launch line-up, such as Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver and Nintendogs + Cats. It all comes in timing with the official US launch line-up list, which was published by Nintendo yesterday.

First up is Pilotwings Resort, a return to the franchise since 1996. The new trailer shows a number of different activities you'll be encountering through the Light Plane, Jet Pack and Hand Glider options. There's no sign of any bonuses though, with Bird Man not making an appearance, will this be an unlockable? Free Flight mode is also shown, with a chance to explore WuHu Island and a camera option is also returning, which made its début in Pilotwings 64.


Steel Diver also got a new trailer showing a more in-depth look at its gameplay. Throughout, it shows the various sea depths you'll be exploring, as well as taking the battle to the seas surface and eliminating enemy ships.


Lastly, a new trailer for Nintedogs + Cats was unveiled. The trailer shows the cute dogs that many DS owners had fallen in love with and now with added cats, taking its cuteness level to a high.


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Cheers Ross. Pilotwings & Steel Diver (Miyamoto's fave) look cool.

I think those voice clips your referring to aren't in the game, from what I recall you shoot torpedoes by using the 3DS's in-built microphone.

( Edited 23.02.2011 16:30 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:
Cheers Ross. Pilotwings & Steel Diver (Miyamoto's fave) look cool.

I think those voice clips your referring to aren't in the game, from what I recall you shoot torpedoes by using the 3DS's in-built microphone.

No problem. Smilie

I've edited the article and took it out, thanks for letting me know.

( Edited 23.02.2011 16:50 by Marzy )

Squidboy said:

I think those voice clips your referring to aren't in the game, from what I recall you shoot torpedoes by using the 3DS's in-built microphone.

Really? That totally reminds me of AVGN's video on NES accessories. There's one where you can shoot in some games by saying "Fire!" over and over again too. Though that one practically recognizes anything you say as "Fire!". Smilie

Steel Diver looks pretty fun actually. No wonder that it's Miyamoto's favorite. I'd get it too if I didn't have to save my remaining money for must haves in the future. Smilie

( Edited 23.02.2011 17:11 by SirLink )

Just posted a load of new screens for Steel Diver in the 3DS discussion thread.

I was a fan of Hunt for Red October on the original Gameboy:

I think I'll like Steel Diver, the periscope controls are just awesome.

I hope Hal Laboratory create a 3DS version of "Trax" using similar controls for a Tank.



( Edited 23.02.2011 19:27 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Pilotwings actually looks pretty fun. But Steel Diver? I have no idea what's so attractive about it.

Kind of a shame pilot wings seems to only feature whuhu island, kind of alread been there done tht kind of vibe from it. Unless there is more too it we havn't seen.

Steel Driver looks like a lot of fun.

Nintendogs looks like Nintendogs, not something i'm interested in, grew out of pet simulations after tamagotchi back in the late 90's lol and I have a real dog.

( Edited 24.02.2011 01:04 by Jimmy2000 )

Pilotwings looks as dull as the flying section of wii resort. Wu hu island is a shit generic looking island. I cant believe miyamoto is proud of it. If he never mentioned how much time and effort he put into it, would people even be talking about wuhu island.

Steel diver looks boring to. A turpeado hits and what do you get. Rubbish explosion effects and a glowing ship. The water effects were the coolest thing.

I worry about the 3DS. Im not sure how it will hold up over time. Im yet to be a fan of any 3D product and power wise it isnt that great to be honest. With the analogue stick available touch controls look like they will be taking a secondary roll in games like zelda and RE. I bet FPS dont even use it for aiming.

Im yet to be a fan of any 3D product and power wise it isnt that great to be honest.

Everythings subjective in what else you say, but thats clearly bollocks.
Its the most powerfull handheld ever in terms of GPU and shader abilitys, and while the "NGP" may beat it, thats also coming out much latter and lacks the 3DS's other features.

Capcom had Re5 running on it in a test! Re5 ON A PORTABLE. How can you say thats "not that powerfull"?
Did you just look at these games and not the Re or MGS tech demos? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I was referring to the NGP and your right it is coming out much later. But Sony now have experience playing the long game. Look at the PS3. quite a few bad yrs and now look at it.

I havent played on either the 3DS or NGP or seen up front what they can produce. From early games the 3DS reminds me of the wii to a point. The 3DS has to be pushed to 80 plus of its capability to produce a game like RE5.

Most of the titles at the moment look like they are in line with what the wii can do with the exception of capcoms stuff.

I think the NGP doesnt have to be squeezed. Most devs I can foresee will not push the console unless they have to.

The NGP has touch, (which at first seemed gimmicky but with the right application means you can interact with your environment without obscuring it with your finger) Power, connectivity, AR, Cameras, tilt and motion. Its just missing 3D.

But I feel it compensates greatly for this by having the PS3 on its side. I imagine the two will be joined greatly at the hip in a way nintendo wont be doing for some time.

( Edited 25.02.2011 11:21 by meeto_0 )

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