3DS Gets its Insides Torn Out

By 21.02.2011 18

3DS Gets its Insides Torn Out on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the 3DS making its début this week in Japan, some people may have been wondering what exactly does the 3DS have on the inside? Well one curious person from a Chinese website TBUS.com has taken the 3DS apart for all to see.

The image gives a closer look to what exactly is inside the 3DS, with it being the most powerful handheld that Nintendo has produced yet and everything has been taken apart.

Image for 3DS Gets its Insides Torn Out

For more images and a closer look, Kotaku has a gallery of close ups from the TBUS website for everyone to see.

Were you curious to see what was inside Nintendo's 3DS? What do you think of the 3DS' innards?

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Even though I'm not planning on buying a 3ds, I really want to experience the 3d effect in real life, seeing and experiencing its awesomeness.

I'd much prefer knowing what the still missing specs are. Smilie Seeing a disassembled 3DS really doesn't tell me much.

PS: Lol @ the original news headline. Smilie

They won't take the top part to pieces due to the complexity of the hardware upthere. There is a lot of cabling going through the hinges. The big problem however is the Cameras, they are set in perfectly inline, it would be pretty impossible to set them back in the same way = lost 3D images.

SirLink said:
I'd much prefer knowing what the still missing specs are.

What specs are missing?

We still don't know how much flash memory is built into the device. We know it comes with a 2GB SD memory card, but I'm guessing there's something on there.

Sonic_13 said:

What specs are missing?

The CPU and RAM are still TBA. All we have are some unconfirmed rumours right now. The GPU, on the other hand, has already been confirmed for quite a while.

Inbuilt memory is usefull to know, but the rest wont tell you much seeing as the system is so bespoke as to make any comparison of specs worthless.
You'd need benchmarks in various area's to tell its "power" rather then just numbers. (and if your doing that you might as well just look at screenshots and framerates)

The battary could have been bigger :-/
(I have a single AA rechargable battery with more then that!)

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Darkflame said:
Inbuilt memory is usefull to know, but the rest wont tell you much seeing as the system is so bespoke as to make any comparison of specs worthless.
You'd need benchmarks in various area's to tell its "power" rather then just numbers. (and if your doing that you might as well just look at screenshots and framerates)

The battary could have been bigger :-/
(I have a single AA rechargable battery with more then that!)

It's obvious that things like looking at the MHz alone won't get us anywhere, I'm just being curious on that part. :p That and some idiots who are taking the rumoured specs for confirmed are slowly annoying me, so that would make them stfu at least.

It really seems to me that Nintendo perfected the art of getting the most out of relatively cheap hardware components. Smilie

Our member of the week

I'd like to raise a point which i talked about somewhere else earlier today. It's about the buttons. I'm glad to see Nintendo finally coming back to the microswitches used in the DS fat for the buttons and the D-pad.

On the DS-Lite (and I assume the DSi too) they were just contacts on the motherboard activated by the black conductive surface under the rubber buttons. Those are really fragile because if you push too hard on the buttons, or too frenetically, the rubber tends to tear apart, and then your buttons are pretty much broken, forcing you to open up the console to replace them (assuming you can order those. I know you can on the DS Lite).

Those switches are much more reliable, and considering that the 3DS looks like it'll host more fighting games and that this genre tends to make you push hard on the buttons when performing special moves... That's a wise decision. the buttons on my bro's DS Lite are ruined, whereas on my DS fat, they're still good as new =). I hope they'll stick with such buttons from now on (though they're obviously more expensive to produce)

( Edited 21.02.2011 23:04 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Wall of text

Interesting, I wasn't aware of that, probably because the buttons on my DS Lite are still working perfectly fine. Maybe it's because I've never played any action based games on it, just turn-based RPGs where I can take my time and don't have to mash buttons. Smilie

Its the same technology on the Xbox360 controllers, I've busted the Right Bumber button so its really awkward to press. Hence why I'm getting Razers new controller when it ships next week, uses hyperresonse buttons, but all done with micro switches. Oh, and a propper D-Pad.

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
the buttons on my DS Lite are still working perfectly fine.

I had to open up my bro's DS Lite because his buttons were broken that's how I found out. Also it wasn't helping that our mum had been playing with it before she got her own DS. She had a bad habit of blowing cigarette smoke on the DS itself while playing, and the back of the buttons were all sticky with Nicotine (no kidding !!! true story here) preventing a proper electrical contact. It looked like tar, no joke ! Makes you think about how it must be inside your lungs.

Here's a proof that smoking is bad, even for your consoles XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
I had to open up my bro's DS Lite because his buttons were broken that's how I found out. Also it wasn't helping that our mum had been playing with it before she got her own DS. She had a bad habit of blowing cigarette smoke on the DS itself while playing, and the back of the buttons were all sticky with Nicotine (no kidding !!! true story here) preventing a proper electrical contact. It looked like tar, no joke ! Makes you think about how it must be inside your lungs.

Here's a proof that smoking is bad, even for your consoles XD.

Wow, what a weird story. I'm even more glad I don't smoke now. Smilie

Kafei2006 said:
SirLink said:
the buttons on my DS Lite are still working perfectly fine.

I had to open up my bro's DS Lite because his buttons were broken that's how I found out. Also it wasn't helping that our mum had been playing with it before she got her own DS. She had a bad habit of blowing cigarette smoke on the DS itself while playing, and the back of the buttons were all sticky with Nicotine (no kidding !!! true story here) preventing a proper electrical contact. It looked like tar, no joke ! Makes you think about how it must be inside your lungs.

Here's a proof that smoking is bad, even for your consoles XD.

Sorry, this post reminded my of this picture.

Kafei2006 said:many things

So THAT'S what happened to my DS Lite. The "A" button isn't exactly non-functional but it's... squishy, I guess. When I press any other button, it sort of springs back up at me. When I press A, it just kind of squishes down and then nothing. It works fine, but it feels different and it's driving me nuts. I guess the rubber is probably torn :/

I blame Pokemon. Especially the sleeping ones. I hate wasting shit on them to wake them up (because whenever I do, my opponent magically predicts this and uses Sing or Sleep Powder or whatever on what would've been an already-asleep pokemon but instead makes me sleep as soon as I wake up) so I just button mash :/ Is it an easy fix?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com
Our member of the week

justonesp00lturn said:
Is it an easy fix?

Let's just say it requires some careful handling of the hardware upon opening it up. The DS Lite is more fragile than the DS fat in this regard (there seems to be a connector that tends to break easily on the inside, and which you have to disconnect a cable from in order to access the buttons).

But follow some DS Lite dismantiling tutorials on Youtube and you should be perfectly fine as long as you don't rush yourself and you do everything gently. There are plenty of those on Youtube. Plus, ordering the rubber replacement comes really cheap on ebay, especially if you live in the UK from what I saw.

Just don't come to me to complain if you did something wrong, OK ? XD

PMD said:

Sorry, this post reminded my of this picture.

This never happened to her XD, but this cracked me up none the less Smilie.

( Edited 22.02.2011 10:37 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SirLink said:
Darkflame said:
Inbuilt memory is usefull to know, but the rest wont tell you much seeing as the system is so bespoke as to make any comparison of specs worthless.
You'd need benchmarks in various area's to tell its "power" rather then just numbers. (and if your doing that you might as well just look at screenshots and framerates)

The battary could have been bigger :-/
(I have a single AA rechargable battery with more then that!)

It's obvious that things like looking at the MHz alone won't get us anywhere, I'm just being curious on that part. :p That and some idiots who are taking the rumoured specs for confirmed are slowly annoying me, so that would make them stfu at least.

It really seems to me that Nintendo perfected the art of getting the most out of relatively cheap hardware components. Smilie

Good point, and true Smilie

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Kafei2006 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
Is it an easy fix?

Let's just say it requires some careful handling of the hardware upon opening it up. The DS Lite is more fragile than the DS fat in this regard (there seems to be a connector that tends to break easily on the inside, and which you have to disconnect a cable from in order to access the buttons).

But follow some DS Lite dismantiling tutorials on Youtube and you should be perfectly fine as long as you don't rush yourself and you do everything gently. There are plenty of those on Youtube. Plus, ordering the rubber replacement comes really cheap on ebay, especially if you live in the UK from what I saw.

Just don't come to me to complain if you did something wrong, OK ? XD

Sounds risky. Well, the button is still functional, so I think I'll just deal with the squishiness for the time being, and I'll look up those vids if I absolutely have to in the future. Thanks!

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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