Jewel Link Puzzling Nintendo DS Fans

By Adam Riley 15.02.2011

Jewel Link Puzzling Nintendo DS Fans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Avanquest Software is soon to release Jewel Link Chronicles: Legend of Athena for the Nintendo DS. Adding to Avanquest’s popular portfolio of casual titles, the new game features Match-3 gameplay, which requires players to match or swap adjacent tiles and items until rows of three or more of the same symbol appear.

Players will travel through five different eras constructing legendary buildings and competing against mythological creatures, while collecting jewels and gold along the way. Using the stylus, gamers must drag and drop matching sets of jewels over blue marble slabs in order to destroy them. When no blue slabs remain, the Orb of Tyche, the Goddess of Fate appears and gamers must drag the orb off the game board to complete the level.

Featuring over 100 jewel-themed Match-3 levels and 15 bonus mini-games, players are put to the test with challenging time restrictions. By combining logic, skill and speed to gain bonuses players can advance through the levels. Bonus tiles include additional time, gold, food, and building resources.

Gamers must use different strategies in order to acquire valuable tools that will help them construct ancient buildings such as the Theatre of Dionysus and the Pergamon Altar. Players will build-up an enchanting metropolis as they advance through the game with the aim of reaching the legendary Olympus. Players must keep their subjects happy by erecting temples and ports while defending their empire against dangerous creatures from Ancient Greek mythology.

Jewel Link Chronicles: Legend of Athena is due for release in Europe on 25th February, 2011.

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