Vote for Your 2010 Video Game BAFTA

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2011 12

Vote for Your 2010 Video Game BAFTA on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's now time for video games to get their BAFTA vote. Will Super Mario Galaxy 2 be crowned this year's winner?

This year's film awards were drawn last night, and it's now time for the awards to be dealt out to the best game of last year, with a little help from you. Nintendo's popular platformer is one of the ten entrants going to head to head for the 2010 British gaming crown, seeing competition from the likes of Heavy Rain, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Read Dead Redemption and Dance Central.

Be sure to vote before 5pm Monday 14th March.

The original Super Mario Galaxy took the first ever Bafta Video Game title back in 2007, and it's been a Call of Duty affair ever since. Can Mario reclaim the throne?

Nominations for 2010 BAFTA Game of the Year

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Dance Central
  • FIFA 11
  • Halo Reach
  • Heavy Rain
  • Limbo
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Who'll be getting your vote from this year's BAFTA selection?

    Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





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    Why am I not surprised that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the only Wii game in that list?...Smilie

    I'm guessing Red Dead or Mass Effect 2 will win -_-.

    I see that their giving away an XBox 360, a Kinect, and some games to a few lucky winners.

    I think that might be small a conflict of interest.

    ( Edited 14.02.2011 15:59 by ChaosOnline )

    Even GameInformer broke their heavy Xbox bias and gave Donkey Kong game of the month, this Bafta thing seemse like they just offered a big Wii game as a sort of default option. What a ripoff.

    In any case, my game of the year is Fragile Dreams. The controls might be pitiful, but that game is just absolutely gorgeous in every other way.

    Out of these games... I'd probably pick Halo Reach. I liked Super Mario Galaxy, but I didn't spend much time with it. Maybe if I had, I'd be a lot more strongly behind it.

    NNID: crackedthesky
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    SirLink said:
    Why am I not surprised that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the only Wii game in that list?...Smilie

    >Implying there was another Wii game decent enough to get on that list.

    FIFA 11?


    Birdo Is A Tranny said:
    >Implying there was another Wii game decent enough to get on that list.

    My bad, what was I thinking..a good game on the Wii that isn't Mario, impossible.Smilie

    In all seriousness, even the game I'm playing right as I write this, Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies, is worthy being on that list but that's impossible because it's too niche, on the Wii and very likely too hardcore for all those self-proclaimed shooter experts out there. Smilie

    ( Edited 14.02.2011 19:17 by SirLink )

    Theres quite a few decent Wii games this year.
    Not sure Id call any best of the year though.

    justonesp00lturn said:
    In any case, my game of the year is Fragile Dreams. The controls might be pitiful, but that game is just absolutely gorgeous in every other way.

    ..except length, gameplay diversity, fighting, inventory management, breaking weapons every 2 minutes Smilie

    Seriously, nice atmosphere, music and modeling, (and, ok, nice boss fights too..all 3/4 of them) but hordendiously bad gameplay everywhere else. Seemed like it was really rushed for release. Its both highly repedative and extreamly short.
    Fragile was possibly my biggest gaming disapointment of all time. Not the worst game ever by a long shot, but certainly the most wasted potential. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    jack (guest) 14.02.2011#9

    Last window should be on hereSmilie

    R (guest) 14.02.2011#10

    Let's get in on like Donkey Kong! I'm so voting for DKCR...oh....ah....

    Whilst I'm not the biggest fan of Donkey Kong Country: Returns, I still think it's worthy enough to slip into the list. Last few years we had the likes of Wii Fit in there, so why not!

    Will probably be Black Ops methinks - just as Call of Duty has taken it the last two years running. Am hoping Galaxy 2 takes the crown, definitely an excellent, excellent sequel.

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