Animal Crossing 3DS A Showcase

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.02.2011 12

Animal Crossing 3DS A Showcase on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to Nintendo UK, the version of Animal Crossing shown for 3DS was primarily to show how it might look on the handheld.

Like a handful of titles demonstrated on the new handheld, Animal Crossing was shown as an example of that sort of game and visual quality, rather than screenshots and footage from the actual game in development.

Speaking to 3DSBuzz, James Honeywell, Nintendo UK’s head of marketing, mentioned that "…the demo was shown at E3 to showcase how an Animal Crossing game could and might look running on 3DS."

Rest assured though, the game is on Nintendo's release lists and has come up various times since E3, but the final version could, though unlikely, look completely different.

What would you like to see from a new Animal Crossing game for 3DS?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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This is excellent news.

Now it can still have a chance of being a lot different from the previous games in the franchise, where as the one shown at E3 was just pretty much the same thing again.

I'm not getting my hopes up though.

( Edited 09.02.2011 21:26 by Marzy )

Well, I likely would have bought it and played the hell out of it even if it the screenshots from E3 were from the actual 3DS game but I really welcome changes to the series. They don't have to be drastic or anything, just give me a LOT more different things to do. Smilie

Well, I would like some changes too, but Nintendo will definitely NOT change the visual style. It will always look like this.

PMD said:
Well, I would like some changes too, but Nintendo will definitely NOT change the visual style. It will always look like this.

Yeah, that's pretty much a given since its visual style is one of the most recognisable things from the series. I don't think that most people want that to change anyways. It's more about the overall content which didn't change much since the original. There are really so much more activities and items they could implement/add.

I actually really want to see some actual screenshots now. Smilie

Would be interesting to see some new features in this game. Either way, I'll probably end up getting it. Smilie

I definitely don't mind the visual style (I actually like the style), but there's a lot of other things they could do to shake the game up.

- A variety of different looking environments

- New objects

- New characters

- A Bigger town area with lots of new shop ideas

- The ability to customize your character more

- Also, expand out of your town to new places to explore or something like that.

Don't know why people get excited for these games, there so goddamn boring.

There is actually going to be an Animal Crossing 3DS. It comes out on June 2nd in the U.S. along with the new Paper Mario game. There's a list of all the planned 3DS titles at the moment and their release dates at Gamestop stores.

IrishRose44 said:
There is actually going to be an Animal Crossing 3DS. It comes out on June 2nd in the U.S. along with the new Paper Mario game. There's a list of all the planned 3DS titles at the moment and their release dates at Gamestop stores.

I wouldn't trust gamestop or any retailer regarding release dates.

I would like to see a return of the nes games from the gamecube version. They could make the games multiplayer online as well.


To be honest I think the game would look better if it was cell-shaded.

I won't be buying this unless there is vast improvements with the gameplay.

I want a new game. Animal Crossing for the GCN was a port of the N64 one. The DS one was a port of the GCN one with added features. And the Wii one was a port of the DS one, with different features.

I would like them to make a new animal crossing from the ground up instead of just porting and reworking the old one.

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