Up Close with Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.01.2011 25

Up Close with Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The 3DS remake of one of the more popular Zelda games, Ocarina of Time, has been met with mixed reception. Can this close-up sway you?

The folk at Infendo recently got their mitts on the demo build of the upcoming 3DS version, taking a handful of off-screen snaps of protagonist Link gazing at the player from within a hut in the opening Kokiri Forest.

Image for Up Close with Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
Image for Up Close with Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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Looks awesome. I love it. Smilie I can't wait to see how cool adult Link looks wielding the Master Sword. Smilie

Certainly looking forward to seeing how Castle Town Market Square has changed. Smilie

I wonder what type of gameplay changes will be introduced due to the 3DS.

Wow! It looks better than I expected. The video & screen shots I've seen haven't really conveyed the detail very well up until now. Looks great!

Our member of the week

I wonder if those interior (and hyrule castle town) are still in some sort pre-rendered way, like maybe one prerendered field per eye or something, like in the original. I don't even know if that's possible to do it and render the depth slider functionnal with prerendered, since Iwata said you couldn't adjust the level of 3D on prerendered videos.

So my guess is that those interior are real-time 3D, and that Hyrule castle will be too.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Looks very nice up close, tis just a shame it won't be out for a while.

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Kafei2006 said:
So my guess is that those interior are real-time 3D, and that Hyrule castle will be too.

I can't remember where it was said, but I think Nintendo said that all pre-rendered areas will be remade in real-time. Smilie Can't wait to see Hyrule!

Lt moon (guest) 30.01.2011#8

It's out in June, I believe.

Our member of the week

Ifrit XXII said:
I can't remember where it was said, but I think Nintendo said that all pre-rendered areas will be remade in real-time. Smilie

Didn't see that, but it just confirms my hunch Smilie

( Edited 30.01.2011 18:42 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Wow, I can't wait for this. It actually looks great.

Looks good, but what room is that? dont remember them two kokiri kids and that round thing in the middle of the room.

Irfy said:
Looks good, but what room is that? dont remember them two kokiri kids and that round thing in the middle of the room.

Yeah, I think that's that little 'school' house where you can learn a few movements controls from the kids, like backflipping etc.

Personally I think it looks far better than the original, it's a tough game to retexture without draining the art direction and feel from the N64 version. That said, lighting does seem to be an issue, it's more "light" or "dark", with a lack of variation in-between, like Ghoma or Dodongo for example. Textures aside, does look better in the N64 version imo.

Will definitely like to see if they do have the town etc as open, not pre-redendered environments. Expanding Hyrule Town with more NPCs and things to do would be a great step up imo - OoT and especially Twilight had a real lack of decent NPCs to meet and greet.

As for the room, I think it's one of the random houses. From what I remember the moves are taught on that small patch of grass with the fences?

( Edited 31.01.2011 01:05 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Honestly it still just looks like an update & smoothed out textures. With how Re Revelations looks & DOAD I say they can look better.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Of course it could look better. That isn't the point though. They're working within the constraints of the original style. They're not trying to make the game look Resident Evil level amazing. They're trying to make the game look as good as possible without sacrificing the feel of the original.

( Edited 31.01.2011 04:10 by Jacob4000 )

To be fair, that's the most impressive screenshot I've seen of it, so far.

It actually looks gorgeous.

nry (guest) 31.01.2011#17

Seriously, you think that it looks not much better than the original? Specsavers time!

Looks spot-on to me, a massive leap from the DS, and I'd go so far as saying a decent enough leap from the GC too. Comparable to Wii? Quite possible due to the smaller screen making things look sharper than they would on a large TV.

Looks closer to the original artwork. I love it Smilie

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Think we get to see Zora's domai defreeze this time?

EvonM said:
Think we get to see Zora's domai defreeze this time?

I hope so. I never understood why it didn't unfreeze after you've beaten the Water Temple since the Kokiri Forest and Death Mountain went back to normal too after beating their respective temple. Maybe it had something to do with Lord Jabu Jabu? I'd really like to know. Somebody should ask that Miyamoto in an interview. Smilie

EvonM said:
Think we get to see Zora's domai defreeze this time?

Good point to make. It's well known that Nintendo cut a lot of things from OoT. Makes you wonder if they'll give us plenty of new stuff that wasn't in the original. It's also clear Nintendo haven't really shown a lot outside of Kokiri Forest or a couple of boss shots, so it looks like they're keeping a lot of it under wraps. No adult Link in sight. So it is going to be interesting to see what we get. I hope Nintendo have pulled their finger out on this one and given the fans a treat. It's certainly looking very good anyway.

Again on the room - I have visions of learning controls in a room with 3 kokiri kids. If it wasn't controls, it must have been other tips they gave us. I'm sure I know which hut it is anyway - the one left of Link's house as you step out of it.

That doesn't seem to be pre-rendered. Hope for a demo so we can try before we buy.

Jacob4000 said:
Of course it could look better. That isn't the point though. They're working within the constraints of the original style. They're not trying to make the game look Resident Evil level amazing. They're trying to make the game look as good as possible without sacrificing the feel of the original.

Well that's not what I'm saying either, what I mean is that with a game like Ocarina of Time's calibur the should completely remake it from the ground up to show how much the series is reveird. Just look at RE0, REmake & Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes were done. Something on THAT scale in terms of recreating everything & adding new content would do the series justice.

Sorry if I sounded like a shallow graphic whore, I assure you I'm not. What I'm saying is that I feel they could do more to it out of respect for the series. This just kinda feels half assed like the 25th Aniversery Mario disc which ONLY gives you All Stars. Now what Nintendo SHOULD have done is make a disc that contains ALL Mario gems Nintendo has released up till Sunshine...now THAT would be a worthy tribute to 25 years of Run, Jump & Powerup!!!!! Smilie Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Jacob4000 said:
Of course it could look better. That isn't the point though. They're working within the constraints of the original style. They're not trying to make the game look Resident Evil level amazing. They're trying to make the game look as good as possible without sacrificing the feel of the original.

Well that's not what I'm saying either, what I mean is that with a game like Ocarina of Time's calibur the should completely remake it from the ground up to show how much the series is reveird. Just look at RE0, REmake & Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes were done. Something on THAT scale in terms of recreating everything & adding new content would do the series justice.

Sorry if I sounded like a shallow graphic whore, I assure you I'm not. What I'm saying is that I feel they could do more to it out of respect for the series. This just kinda feels half assed like the 25th Aniversery Mario disc which ONLY gives you All Stars. Now what Nintendo SHOULD have done is make a disc that contains ALL Mario gems Nintendo has released up till Sunshine...now THAT would be a worthy tribute to 25 years of Run, Jump & Powerup!!!!! Smilie Smilie

Resident Evil 0 wasn't remade, it was made for the Gamecube.

Twin Snakes is pretty much identical in terms of content apart from the dodgy redone cinematics in the game, but even then they where mostly smiler.

This isn't just adding new textures, all the characters and environments have more polygons, effort wise it looks pretty much on par with what they done with Twin Snakes. Same game just prettier.

( Edited 31.01.2011 17:32 by Jimmy2000 )

Twin Snakes benefited from having MGS2's aiming system and improved A.I. The dog-tags were also a nice little extra.

Zelda hasn't really evolved much since OoT so there's no much they can do gameplay-wise. The graphics don't need to be mind blowing either but some extra side-quests would be great. Smilie

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