Vorash Kadan said:
Jacob4000 said:
Of course it could look better. That isn't the point though. They're working within the constraints of the original style. They're not trying to make the game look Resident Evil level amazing. They're trying to make the game look as good as possible without sacrificing the feel of the original.
Well that's not what I'm saying either, what I mean is that with a game like Ocarina of Time's calibur the should completely remake it from the ground up to show how much the series is reveird. Just look at RE0, REmake & Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes were done. Something on THAT scale in terms of recreating everything & adding new content would do the series justice.
Sorry if I sounded like a shallow graphic whore, I assure you I'm not. What I'm saying is that I feel they could do more to it out of respect for the series. This just kinda feels half assed like the 25th Aniversery Mario disc which ONLY gives you All Stars. Now what Nintendo SHOULD have done is make a disc that contains ALL Mario gems Nintendo has released up till Sunshine...now THAT would be a worthy tribute to 25 years of Run, Jump & Powerup!!!!!
Resident Evil 0 wasn't remade, it was made for the Gamecube.
Twin Snakes is pretty much identical in terms of content apart from the dodgy redone cinematics in the game, but even then they where mostly smiler.
This isn't just adding new textures, all the characters and environments have more polygons, effort wise it looks pretty much on par with what they done with Twin Snakes. Same game just prettier.
( Edited 31.01.2011 17:32 by Jimmy2000 )