First Trailer For Yuji Naka's Wii/3DS Game

By Stuart Lawrence 24.01.2011 10

First Trailer For Yuji Naka

Last week in Famitsu, Sonic The Hedgehog creator Yuji Naka revealed that he is working on a new game for the Nintendo Wii and 3DS.

The game is called Rodea the Sky Soldier, which is an action flying game where you play as your hero; Rodea, flying around, shooting enemies and also performing spin attacks. There will also be some non-flying sections to ease the pace of the game.

The video shows some gameplay and cutscenes from the game, with Rodea flying around cities and islands in the sky, collecting items shooting blimps and a giant enemy.


Naka will be joined with Takumi Miyajima, who previously worked on the Tales series and Arc Rise Fantasia.

What do you think of Yuji Naka's new project? Is it something you'd be interested in?

Box art for Rodea the Sky Soldier








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date 2015   Australian release date Out now   

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I think this looks pretty cool, its definately pretty. I think it's worth checking out.

( Edited 24.01.2011 23:48 by ChaosOnline )

Our member of the week

Neat =). Now which console shall I buy it on Smilie ??

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

wow I can't wait to play it for 3ds ;p

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

A little bit of Sonic, a little bit of Nights....& a feeling of Sparkster as well. I love the wimsical feeling this game has, faaar too many games are overly serious. What happened to games that were adventures of pure fantasy?

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Kafei2006 said:
Neat =). Now which console shall I buy it on Smilie ??

I just asked myself the exact same question after I watched the trailer. On the Wii you'd have the pointer (I suppose) but the 3D effect on the 3DS would surely work well with this typ of game too.

Definitely keeping an eye on this game. Smilie

Looks interesting. Reminds me a bit of Panzer Dragoon and Nights on Saturn.

Looks decent, definitely keeping an eye on this one. Smilie

Just an FYI to the author---the word soldier is spelled incorrect in the initial link from the home page. currently spelled: "solder"

Our member of the week

I was reviewing Arc Rise Fantasia earlier today and was looking for info on what the script writer for that game had worked on, and saw this title, but hadn't seen it was mentionned on here in this news ha XD.

Also worth noting that this guy worked on tales of the Abyss and tales of Sympphonia too Smilie. Kinda makes you wonder how he went from writing scripts for RPGs to what seems like a shoot 'em up sort of game. Maybe this is going to be the shmup game with the most profound script ever written for that kind of game, who knows XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Jonathan Miller (guest) 02.03.2011#10

Sonic is BEAST bro! Yuji Naka, THANK U SO MUCH FOR CREATING SONIC! How did u come up with Sonic in the first place?Smilie

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