New Videos for The Last Story Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.01.2011 9

New Videos for The Last Story Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo and Mistwalker have brought out a pair of new videos to demonstrate the battle and exploration mechanics in The Last Story.

The new Wii game is due out in Japan in a few days, and with the gameplay mechanics a little more complex than your standard hack 'n' slash, here's a quick taster of what to expect from the Wii-exclusive RPG.

In related news, the game also won over the hearts of four reviewers from the Japanese magazine famitsu, bagging a respectable 38/40 (10, 10, 9, 9) in the latest issue.



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I really can't express how much I envy Japanese gamers right now...

SirLink said:
I really can't express how much I envy Japanese gamers right now...


Xenoblade or what ever it was called I understand, but there's no reason why Nintendo should pass on publishing this outside Japan. It's got a big name attached to it, the game looks great and has gained nothing but positive comments.

Here's hoping! Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
SirLink said:
I really can't express how much I envy Japanese gamers right now...


Xenoblade or what ever it was called I understand, but there's no reason why Nintendo should pass on publishing this outside Japan. It's got a big name attached to it, the game looks great and has gained nothing but positive comments.

Here's hoping! Smilie

I can't understand nintendo passing up on either RPG. The release list for this year looks limp. Having these games announced for this year would bulk up the list. I for one dont take the view that the 3DS a handheld should distract from the wii's lineup.
Hopefully nintendo can put into practise what they are doing with the 3DS and its lineup into the next console.

The ONLY thing that would kill the english release would be crappy voice actors. I don't think ANY of us want another Baten Kaitos on our hands right fellas.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
The ONLY thing that would kill the english release would be crappy voice actors. I don't think ANY of us want another Baten Kaitos on our hands right fellas.

Am I really the only person who liked the voice actors in Baten Kaitos? I'm feelin' kinda lonely...

I want this, sooo bad right now.

It looks awesome.

Also in the second video, that guy had bannana peels as ammo for his crossbow. That is awesome.

( Edited 24.01.2011 23:27 by ChaosOnline )

Lol, it does look like a banana peel!

Anyway, I'm sure it wouldn't take too much effort just subtitling the dialogue and translating here and there. Especially for this type of RPG, Japanese voices may be favorable.

I'm also happy with no voice actors, frankly.
Just give us the game! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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If they finally release an RPG that allows me to listen to Japanese voices and read subtitles I will be absolutely overjoyed. I've been begging for that option for ages. Imagine how much less awful Final Fantasy X might have been.

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