Kingdom Hearts 3DS Trailer, Subtitle

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.01.2011 12

Kingdom Hearts 3DS Trailer, Subtitle on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has confirmed a subtitle for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts entry for 3DS, along with a new gameplay trailer.

The forthcoming game was shown during Square Enix's press conference earlier today, confirmed as Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, taking place between the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 and the eventual third main-series title.

Updated - better quality video footage, thanks to C3 member Ifrit XXII.

Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Square Enix


Square Enix


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Anyone got any ideas what the hell's going on in this game? Why does Sora have his KH2 clothes at the start, then the rest of the trailer is him in his KH1 clothes? Yet the game takes place after KH2? If it's a dream or past events, why is it all in the trailer? I dunno. So many questions.

Better quality trailer here!

@ Azuardo. Some kind of dream setting perhaps?, preparing both Sora and Riku for...

The secret ending in KH Re:coded for the DS leads straight into this game. Smilie

( Edited 18.01.2011 16:05 by Ifrit XXII )

I feel like the title is similar to when the early DS games had two word subtitles that shortened to DS, like Dual Strike, or Dark Shadow (not real examples). Here we have Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, DDD=3D. Not sure where I'm going with this, just a funny observation to me I guess.

Regus (guest) 18.01.2011#4

Like the look of the game, but the title looks stupid.

Does anyone else think that title is horrendous?

I'm excited, I must admit. And apparently this game will directly tie in with KH3. I don't need to know the story though, because I already know the linking and timeline of the story: there is none, they make it up as they go along. Yow. �_�

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Confusing as hell but awesome none the less.

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GreythaGreat said:
Does anyone else think that title is horrendous?

After 358/2 Days or whatever the hell it was called, I'll gladly take Dream Drop Distance.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
After 358/2 Days or whatever the hell it was called, I'll gladly take Dream Drop Distance.

358/2 Days.

You say it as "Three Five Eight Days Over Two". Smilie

I don't mind the 'Dream Drop Distance' part of the title but adding 3D just makes it seem cheap. Like movies that have 3D in the title. Smilie

( Edited 18.01.2011 22:52 by Ifrit XXII )

I remember playing KH 1 and 2 for the PS2 and loved both of them, then the card game for the GBA (never was good at card games).

Then it started getting confusing as they fucked up the continuity of this game. Perhaps they did that on purpose as they hoped that it would become like Mario and have no real story.

I'm sorry after my friend told me that Mario Galaxy 2 storyline was like 1 in that everyone forgot what happened (someone explain this please?) I'm just like fuck it. If the creators of the game says 'fuck it' why can't I?

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Roger Timmins (guest) 19.01.2011#10

"Dream Drop Distance" sounds like some stupid Mario Galaxy 2 galaxy reject. Why can't Square Enix try something more conventional. Like "Kingdom Hearts 2.5"?

justonesp00lturn said:
GreythaGreat said:
Does anyone else think that title is horrendous?

After 358/2 Days or whatever the hell it was called, I'll gladly take Dream Drop Distance.

Hahaha you got me there. Smilie

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Ifrit XXII said:
justonesp00lturn said:
After 358/2 Days or whatever the hell it was called, I'll gladly take Dream Drop Distance.

358/2 Days.

You say it as "Three Five Eight Days Over Two". Smilie

I don't mind the 'Dream Drop Distance' part of the title but adding 3D just makes it seem cheap. Like movies that have 3D in the title. Smilie

Thanks, haha. I've only seen it typed, so I had no idea what to call it.

Honestly, Dream Drop Distance is probably the most creative use of 3D in the title yet. As with previous Nintendo systems, expect a slew of games, especially upon release, to all have '3D' in the title, same way all those games for GBA had "Advance" or N64 games had "64" in them. I hate it; it's cheap and unoriginal, but at least Square Enix's "3D" means something.

NNID: crackedthesky
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