New The Last Story Wii Trailer - Online Play, Customisation and Battles

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.01.2011 16

New The Last Story Wii Trailer - Online Play, Customisation and Battles on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mistwalker and Nintendo have put together a swanky new trailer for the upcoming Wii-exclusive RPG, The Last Story.

The new footage takes us through various battle scenes, boss fights, gorgeous CGI sequences, town exploration and a spot of shopping with protagonist Elza and his team of mercenaries. There's also a quick glimpse of character customisation and online play in action, preparing Japanese folk for release on January 27th.

What to know more about The Last Story? This is the video to watch...

Thanks to ONM for the update.

Box art for The Last Story





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Mistwalker....if you can hear me do NOT make the same mistake you did with A.S.H. (Archaic Sealed Heat) BRING THIS TO THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I highly doubt that The Last Story won't make it to the West. Just look how Nintendo is pushing it in Japan. They simply can't keep a game like that in Japan since they should know that there aren't many RPGs on the Wii(at least in the West). Maybe they could pick up Xenoblade too while they're at it. *dreams* Smilie

I have a feeling this could be one of my favourite games on the wii. Reminds me of skies of arcadia in the sense that of all the games I owned on my beloved dreamcast, it was a new RPG that really captured me.

Thanks for the pep talk SirLink, also on a side note.....Ganon IS IN THIS GAME!!!!!Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Thanks for the pep talk SirLink, also on a side note.....Ganon IS IN THIS GAME!!!!!Smilie

Yeah, I wanted to mention that too but I somehow forgot. Smilie Really funny though, my first reaction was something like "What the hell??!!" and I only had to see his hair for that reaction. Ganondorf is already in seemingly every Zelda game and now he's invading non Zelda games too? Damn. Smilie

Looks awesome. I wish I could understand what they were saying...

Can't wait 'till this gets to America

I would love zelda to have a few intricate towns with a similar scale featured in this game.

Taimipop (guest) 13.01.2011#8

This for the Win! Easily THE best non-nintendo game on the Wii. EU date, anyone? If there's any game I shall buy this year, this will be the one. The battles are sweet!

The battle system looks really interesting. I normally don't like real time battles in RPGs but this system looks fun. I just hope you have enough control over your other party members.

Also, this game looks beautiful. It shows what the Wii can do if you spend the effort. This better be a big success.

Pj (guest) 14.01.2011#10

I think the Zelda team need to take a few pages, or chapters out of this book!

Here and here.

Cue the flames. There's no need for flame shields, though.

( Edited 15.01.2011 04:47 by Moogi )

Moogi said:
Here and here.

Cue the flames. There's no need for flame shields, though.

Ah, bummer. This looks absolutely great, too... c'mon Nintendo, give the Western market what we want. :-x

If they don't say any word about an international release for The Last Story in the following months, it can only mean one thing: E3 2011! Seems very likely to me that they want to save that for E3. Maybe they'll have Xenoblade ready for E3 2011 too, they've already showed it back at E3 2009 and most of Monolith Soft's games so far made it over here, albeit with massive delays inbetween(see Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean).

Moogi said:
Here and here.

Cue the flames. There's no need for flame shields, though.

That's probably a low level person in the company that actually has no idea what's going on other than what's on the calender.

i.e. Reporter "Does Nintendo have any plans to bring The Last Story to the West?"

Random guy that works there:*Looks at calender* "Ermm... We have no plans at present."

The game's looking great, and besides translation, there's no reason why it shouldn't come out in the west.

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Your master. Bidoof (guest) 15.01.2011#15

Plus the creator posts updates about the game on his twitter in English. Hmm I wonder why that could be?Smilie

I know this game from a long time I want it

nintendo bring to U.S ;p

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

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