See What 3DS Games Japanese Folk Can Buy at Launch

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2011 15

See What 3DS Games Japanese Folk Can Buy at Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In just over a month Nintendo's latest portable creation, the 3DS, will hit stores in Japan. What games will accompany it?

The new 3D system hits the streets across the country from February 26th, bringing a confirmed eight titles for gamers to try and buy. According to Famitsu magazine (via Kotaku), software prices range from ¥4,800 (£37, $57, €45) to ¥6,090 (£47, $73, €57).

  • Nintendogs & Cats ¥4,800
  • Winning Eleven Soccer 3D ¥5,800
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition ¥4,800
  • Samurai Warriors: Chronicle ¥6,090
  • Puzzle Bobble 3D ¥4,980
  • Ridge Racer 3D ¥6,090
  • Battle of the Giants: Dinosaurs 3D ¥5,040
  • Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle ¥5,980
  • What do you think of the Nintendo 3DS launch line-up and pricing for Japan?

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    If they had a similar launch line up here, I'd wait till more games are out.

    I'm guessing UK prices will be about �£35-�£40.

    We most likely won't get Professor Layton seeing as how we still haven't got the 4th DS game yet. Smilie

    I definately won't be getting one at launch now. Will wait for some better releases and cheaper 3DS bundles. Recently got a new slim PS3 for a price probably cheaper than what Nintendo are gonna charge for the 3DS. Smilie

    So no Zelda? And what about that submarine game?

    How much is the console in Japan?

    Also, the line-up isn't too bad (better than the orignal DS anyway!). It's just that there aren't really enough games, but that's what backwards compatibility is for, right?.

    I'll get one as soon as Ocarina of Time is there. I sure would like to play Super Street Fighter IV among others too but I won't have money at all for games that aren't on top of my list.

    Seems fine I guess with OoT being "Spring"...My 18th birthday is on 30th April and I would have gotten the 3DS in March in advance for it anyways.

    I thought Kid Icarus was supposed to be the marquee launch title for the 3DS.

    I kinda expected Kid Icarus to not be a launch title. However, I'm shocked that Zelda isn't there. It looks so far along...

    "Do a Barrel Roll!"
    ZombieFreaks (guest) 08.01.2011#8

    Zelda is confirmed for spring this year I think

    Hopefully we get a better launch lineup when released here, the only title I would purchase is Layton and thats probably a late 2011/2012 title for western gamers. Sad that Nintendogs is the only Nintendo title on the list

    Nintendo probably deliberately let the 3rd partys go first this time so they couldn't moan about being up against Nintendo's own games Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Darkflame said:
    Nintendo probably deliberately let the 3rd partys go first this time so they couldn't moan about being up against Nintendo's own games Smilie

    Yeah, they let 3rd parties have a good slice of the cake for once and you know what's going to be the funniest thing about that? Now people are going to moan that Nintendo themselves have a weak launch line-up. Smilie

    For me the third party launch lineup is weak also

    Roll on spring 2011

    The lack of Nintendo games is a bit strange. Then again, Nintendo are (and should be) much more confident of success with this console then they've been for a while, and Nintendogs will surely sell by the bucketload regardless.

    Cheesing it up said:
    The lack of Nintendo games is a bit strange. Then again, Nintendo are (and should be) much more confident of success with this console then they've been for a while, and Nintendogs will surely sell by the bucketload regardless.

    They probably hold back with their first-party guns to help 3rd parties, at least at launch. I've actually seen quite a few people who've said that they would get SSFIV instead of Ocarina of Time 3D as launch game if it didn't make the launch over here too.

    DarkWafflez (guest) 14.01.2011#15

    The pricing is fair, I guess, but I was a bit surprised that Nintendogs is the least expensive title there.

    TBH I'm only going to be buying 3 launch titles, but the later upcoming lineup looks awesome. Definetly getting Kid Icarus and OoT!

    I just wish the next DS game for the Layton series comes out really soon, because it would mean both Miracle would come sooner and there would be a higher chance of English porting for Top Hat VS. Objection.

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