More Dead or Alive 3DS Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2011 5

More Dead or Alive 3DS Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese magazine Famitsu has shed new details on the upcoming Team Ninja brawler for 3DS, Dead or Alive: Dimensions.

The latest chapter in the long-running beat-em-up sees the return of the familiar faces from within the fighting troupe, including Kasumi, Ayane, Hayate, Hitomi, Ryu Hayabusa, Bayman, Christie and Helena.

Image for More Dead or Alive 3DS Details

These folk will join various sub characters in a new story feature dubbed "Chronicle Mode". The campaign brings you head on into the Dead or Alive universe, explaining battle techniques and the series' back-story, including a selection of previously unseen filler material.

Whilst the action looks slick on the top-screen, developer Team Ninja hadn't mentioned a use for the bottom screen - until now. The second screen includes a customisable command list for easy access to a string of deadly moves.

Via Andriasang.

Box art for Dead or Alive Dimensions

Team Ninja


Tecmo Koei





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The bottom screen (much like Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition)both makes me happy & sad, I fear it'll be far to abused for people who prefer to play purist buttons only...but the upside I suppose is that I can FINALLY pull of Hayate's ludicrous combo that almost NO ONE has been able to do!!

....Sooooo many control stick spins....T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I remember that combo, I spent ages practising it, was never able to pull it off in a game though.Smilie

I remember my friend saying he fought someone online in DOA4 & his opponent ACTUALLY finished him off with that combo. He was so impressed that someone ACTUALLy pulled it off that he couldn't get mad that he lost the match lol.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
MysticD (guest) 07.01.2011#4


Just updated the topic with a new 3D trailer - looks pretty juicy! Smooth animation and decent graphics Smilie

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