Devil Survivor Gets 3DS Treatment

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2011 2

Devil Survivor Gets 3DS Treatment on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus has confirmed that an enhanced 3DS port of DS Devil Survivor will be heading to Nintendo's new 3D handheld.

According to the latest edition of Japanese magazine Famitsu (via Joystiq), the new version will take the popular, but hard to find, RPG and add a new dimension to take advantage of the 3D tech. The changes won't just be cosmetic, with full voicework, an additional day added to the 7-day story and 20 demons, extra maps and difficulty levels.

The original version for Nintendo DS made its mark in the US last year, so a release of the 3DS version outside Japan could be a possibility.

Box art for Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked





Turn Based RPG



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As a huge fan of Devil Suvivor, I am very happy with the extras that are coming with the port, and just a tiny bit sad that I'll need to rebuy it again. I can't wait!

I haven't even gotten it yet, so this excites me a bit. Smilie

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