AiRace Developer Reveals New DSiWare Racer

By Adam Riley 02.01.2011

AiRace Developer Reveals New DSiWare Racer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After a little bit of digging around, it appears that QubicGames is set to release a third Nintendo DSiWare, sometime in early 2011. Following success with both AiRace and AiRace: Tunnel, the developer is teaming up with NoWay Studio once more for an arcade racer by the name of Remote Racers. Rather than merely being limited to air-based craft, Remote Racers sees QubicGames expand its new project to include terrain and underwater vehicles as well.

According to the US ratings website ESRB, "This is an arcade-style racing game in which players can compete with a variety of toy-like vehicles. As they navigate around each track, players utilise "cartoony" power-ups (e.g., rockets, jets, bombs/mines) to slow down opponents; targeted vehicles spin out amid small explosions and screeching sound effects."

Image for AiRace Developer Reveals New DSiWare Racer

Originally Remote Racers was planned for a retail release, but whether that will still accompany the download edition is currently unknown. However, more importantly is how much will be crammed into the DSiWare iteration, considering how impressive the game engine for AiRace was. The retail product was set to include eight varying vehicles and 18 race courses spread over three different locations, whilst also giving the option of four single-player modes, and six-player multiplayer fun.

Box art for Remote Racers








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