Dragon Quest X Wii Unveiled Soon?

By Adam Riley 02.01.2011 10

Dragon Quest X Wii Unveiled Soon? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could Square Enix be about to finally lift the lid on Dragon Quest X for Nintendo's Wii console? After years of waiting, and seeing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies sell around 4.3 million copies in Japan alone, there is a large dose of speculation currently floating around the Internet at the moment about Dragon Quest X's full reveal. According to reports, the January issue of Japanese magazine V-Jump will at long last turn the spotlight onto what many believe will be the biggest Wii release of 2011/2012.

Image for Dragon Quest X Wii Unveiled Soon?

Keep this one marked as 'rumour' for now, but the wait for the new V-Jump issue is certainly going to be agonising.

What would you like to see from Dragon Quest X on Wii? Are readers still working their way through Dragon Quest IX on DS?

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (7 Votes)

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I'd definitely like a Dragon Quest X for the Wii. I've bought Dragon Quest IX this year and it was pretty good, but I didn't do a lot of the post-story content which I usually do in all games. I didn't really like the job system a lot because it demanded a TON of grinding to get a job up just for the stat increases you need for the actual job you want to have at the end. Not that I have anything against grinding but it just bothered me. That plus the very annoying fact that you can't disable skills from other jobs you don't need, making the menus in battle a complete mess. I liked the job system in FFIII on the DS way more and actually got all 4 characters up to Lvl 99 plus several jobs on Lvl 99 there which took forever. Smilie

What I want to see from DQ X...well, I'm not going to be picky at all, really. An awesome RPG on the Wii is all I need. Smilie

GOd I didn't even finish IX yet. I love that game. it's huge.

I agree with sirlink, and give the Wii a worth wild game.

( Edited 02.01.2011 12:24 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

I'm glad everyone hasn't forgotten about this game. I have been tracking news of this thing since it was announced.

It was announced (correct me if I'm wrong) in like 2008... its 2011 now and we haven't even seen a single screenshot. I was worried it was going to be canceled for a while...

"Do a Barrel Roll!"
Our member of the week

I want the wait to be worth it ^^. Wow us with the best looking game the Wii will ever get Square Enix !!!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

There has been speculation that Level-5 won't be involved this time, and instead it will be Genius Sonority (many of whom have DQ blood in them from way back when). Whatever the case, I have high expectations.

I'm currently writing up a 10/10 review of DQIX, so whatever appears on Wii will have to be VERY special in my eyes to beat it! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
There has been speculation that Level-5 won't be involved this time, and instead it will be Genius Sonority (many of whom have DQ blood in them from way back when). Whatever the case, I have high expectations.

Good god I hope not Smilie all of the games they have made so far have been trash.

Big news
I was so crazy for dragon quest 9 for ds

It was something nobody expected for DS and it sold so good it made more profits than the FFXIII for xbox360 and ps3 outside of Japan ;p.
dragon-quest-monster-battle-road-victory, check that out ;p

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

I'm thinking DQM Battle Victory (Wii) and DQM: J2 Professional (DS) could well be 2011 releases in the West to keep up the DQ love here.

Fingers crossed, anyway! Smilie

Jimmy2000 said:

Good god I hope not Smilie all of the games they have made so far have been trash.

What? 100 Classic Book Collection was great! Smilie

( Edited 03.01.2011 11:34 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I like Dragon Quest and can't wait for DQ X for the Wii Smilie
I also read about Last Flight- idea of vampires on a plane, lot of blood... I like it. Anybody knows more about it?

the little aussie protester (guest) 25.01.2011#10

sorry i don't think that it will do it justice to be on the wii, i remember when i played dq8 square finally hit the nail on the head, a simple game with lots to do, reward for spending all that time doing that quest or getting that hard to get ingredient and most of all the characters were lovable, that game made me feel part of the game/world then they brought out the wii/ps3/xbox360 and the first thing that i wanted was dq9 on one of these systems but i was disappointed when it went to ds(mind you i still bought it), but the one thing i realised is that i did not feel immersed in the world nor the characters. it felt like a book with ever second chapter taken out, and i was not in awe of the world and comparing wii to ps3 and xbox, i felt betrayed by nintendo for pushing basically a ps2 with a funny controller called a wii and square for taking the low road because if they went all out with dqx it would dwarf final fantasy and i believe that square know this because we have not seen even a screen snapshot video anything since it was announced hell we have more information about ff13-2 and ff verses, and before everyone tries to lynch me for bagging the wii, let me tell you i own one i had a good crack at it and it let me know that i got sucked into a gimmick. i want square to make this great series better each time and for not just me but for all the fans of dragon quest

long live dragon quest(man i love this game)

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