Pokemon Black and White US Date + New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.12.2010 6

Pokemon Black and White US Date + New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America today confirmed the US release date for the new Pokemon duo for DS, Black and White, alongside an English trailer.

The new games introduce an entire fleet of 150 new critters to encounter, catch and battle within the Unova region - including the three adorable starter-mons: Snivy, Oshawott and Tepig.

The new games are set to launch across North America on March 6th 2011.

Image for Pokemon Black and White US Date + New Trailer


“Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version represent a generational leap forward for the renowned series, delivering an unprecedented number of new Pokémon to catch, battle and trade. Whether you have played the Pokémon video games before or are just getting interested in them, you won't want to miss Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.

Marc Franklin, Nintendo of America's director of Public Relations

Trailer upload courtesy to Siliconera.

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

Game Freak




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Seems strange that they would launch so close to the 3DS coming out. I'm sure it won't matter, since the 3DS plays DS games, but I still find it interesting. Then again, it didn't seem to cause a problem when they released Twilight Princess right next to the Wii launch. But honestly, I think the 3DS release date will probably fall pretty close to Pokemon B/W. I don't see them releasing it in, say, January, or anything. But that should be obvious; they would've announced it by now if they were releasing anytime soon.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Well, it's a Pokémon game after all. It will fly off the shelves even with the 3DS so close to its release. I'm more worried about Okamiden which comes in the middle of March.

About B/W, I hope that they won't make the inevitable Pokémon Grey follow-up for the 3DS too soon because I'm planning to play B/W for a long time and don't want a new version with some extras a year later. They should build a new Pokémon game from ground up for the 3DS instead of just enhancing B/W. Imagine battles like on the console games that we've wanted for so long. It would blow people away. Smilie

Gold/Silver launched just before the GBA and did fine as well. There's no real problem in launching a game for an old system just before a new one launches, as long as
a) The new system is backwards compatible (which it is).
b) the old system hasn't been killed off yet (which it hasn't).

Way to go Fire Pig!

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Cheesing it up said:
Gold/Silver launched just before the GBA and did fine as well. There's no real problem in launching a game for an old system just before a new one launches, as long as
a) The new system is backwards compatible (which it is).
b) the old system hasn't been killed off yet (which it hasn't).

Plus, we're forgetting that this is POKEMON. Smilie

tepig (guest) 09.01.2011#6


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