Igarashi Hints at Castlevania 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.12.2010 5

Igarashi Hints at Castlevania 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: Castlevania series producer Koji Igarashi recently hinted at a new entry for the upcoming 3DS console.

Speaking to Paul Gale Network, the game designer was questioned on whether one of his team's upcoming 3DS project was along the Castlevania lines.

His response was that the series has done very well on both the Nintendo GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS, refusing to go further. Several artists have also claimed that they are working on Castlevania 3DS with ideas being bounced about on how best to use the new 3D technology.

Via N-Europe.

If true, what would you like to see in a new Castlevania game - and what would the best use of 3D be?

Box art for Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin





2D Platformer



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This game had better be in fucking gloriously detailed and smoothly animated 2D, with the 3D being used to show more depth between fore/background; Maybe being able to switch/jump between them like in that new Shantae game on DSiWare?

If this is largely polygonal instead of sprite-based I shall be severely disappoint.

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Faust D. Strooijer said:
This game had better be in fucking gloriously detailed and smoothly animated 2D, with the 3D being used to show more depth between fore/background; Maybe being able to switch/jump between them like in that new Shantae game on DSiWare?

If this is largely polygonal instead of sprite-based I shall be severely disappoint.

Agreed 100% Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I also hope it's 2 dimensional (in gameplay) but doing detailed sprites and smooth animation is a hell of a lot of work so I would take polygons (a la NSMB) as long as the gameplay is similar to the 2D Castlevanias. The 3D screen could be used for artistic and atmospheric purposes, which would work better with polygons anyway.

A new portable 2D castlevania with 3D layers, effects and high res sprites would be a great launch title...

Sanjay (guest) 25.12.2010#5

Yes please! Do a Donkey Kong Returns with this one please. None of this free walking 3D Castlevania tripe. Just good ol' fashioned side to side, whip to whip orgies!

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