New Ace Attorney Investigations 2 DS Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2010

New Ace Attorney Investigations 2 DS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have put together a new trailer for Miles Edgeworth's second outing in the starring role, Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

The new game for Nintendo DS sees our protagonist prosecutor head up against the new female judge Haraki Mikagami, as she tries to dabble with Edgeworth's investigation and palm his hard work over to a newer prosecutor. Much like the first game you'll be walking about freely with the bumbling, adorable Detective Gumshoe to hunt for clues and bully witnesses.

Gyakuten Kenji 2 is out in February over in Japan.

Box art for Ace Attorney Investigations 2
Also known as

Gyakuten Kenji 2









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