The results are in and we've drawn the winners for various exclusive competitions including Mario, Donkey Kong and Robbie Williams.
Super Mario Bros
Kiyoshi, shagster, sian_raven, Dawn Tonge and Emma Brazell
Donkey Kong Country Returns
welshwuff, Nina Legge, Cheesing it up, crepesuzette and Mush123
We Sing: Robbie Williams
ChaseT, TipsyRabbit and Robbiesgirl
Please reply to the email we've sent with shipping details as soon as possible please.
Original Story:
Fancy winning two of Nintendo's most anticipated games of 2010 - Classic Mario or new Donkey Kong? Hurry - must end today!
It's already the final day for our two exclusive competitions sponsored by the generous folk at Nintendo UK. Will you be one of five readers to bag a copy of Super Mario All-Stars or Donkey Kong Country : Returns?