Competition Results: Mario, Donkey Kong and Robbie Williams

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2010 39

Competition Results: Mario, Donkey Kong and Robbie Williams on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The results are in and we've drawn the winners for various exclusive competitions including Mario, Donkey Kong and Robbie Williams.

Super Mario Bros
Kiyoshi, shagster, sian_raven, Dawn Tonge and Emma Brazell

Donkey Kong Country Returns
welshwuff, Nina Legge, Cheesing it up, crepesuzette and Mush123

We Sing: Robbie Williams
ChaseT, TipsyRabbit and Robbiesgirl

Please reply to the email we've sent with shipping details as soon as possible please.

Original Story:
Fancy winning two of Nintendo's most anticipated games of 2010 - Classic Mario or new Donkey Kong? Hurry - must end today!

It's already the final day for our two exclusive competitions sponsored by the generous folk at Nintendo UK. Will you be one of five readers to bag a copy of Super Mario All-Stars or Donkey Kong Country : Returns?

Box art for Donkey Kong Country Returns





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Did anyone, even win?

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Results are likely gonna be announced today or tomorrow I'm guessing.

What ever happened to the Robbie Williams comp? Smilie

Mush123 said:
What ever happened to the Robbie Williams comp? Smilie

Oh yeah that ended like 2 weeks ago. I entered that for my sister. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Mush123 said:
What ever happened to the Robbie Williams comp? Smilie

Oh yeah that ended like 2 weeks ago. I entered that for my sister. Smilie

I entered for the sake of winning something. I've never won anything so yeah I'd be happy if I won one of these competitions. Smilie

Wolvesgod said:
Did anyone, even win?

Yep, everyone but you! Joking! Sorry for the delay, been very very busy lately and was away last night.

RE: Robbie Williams comp - we're still waiting for the prizes from our sponsor, but have drawn the results for that in the meantime!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Congrats to all the winners.

and LMAO jb that's really nice of you. XD kidding.

and congrats Mush123 you won something the DKCR.

( Edited 14.12.2010 19:15 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

I queued up at Game Oxford street on launch day of Donkey Kong with a bunch of bananas. Thats how I won my free copy. I brought my girlfriend and got an extra copy which makes for a cheap xmas present. First 20 people won a copy. Queued from half 7 but was well worth it.

Congrats to everyone that won, although I'm sad I didn't win Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Oh wow. I won something! How did that happen? o.o
I never win things! Smilie
I replied to the e-mail with the necessary details! Thanks a lot! ^.^

( Edited 14.12.2010 19:53 by Kiyoshi )

Oh Rapture! I won me a donkey Kongs Smilie Gonna look nice next to my SNES originals. :3

I won Robbie, gonna make a nice gift for the momma.

I replied JB.
Since I already have DKCR, do you have any idea when it will arrive? I want to give it to someone as a Christmas present. Smilie
I'm like... SO HAPPY I won something though. @.@

( Edited 14.12.2010 22:36 by Mush123 )

Congrats Mush. I like how you mentioned that you never win anything just before you won this.

Since I already have DKCR, do you have any idea when it will arrive? I want to give it to someone as a Christmas present.

Cheeky! Well once everyone's gotten back to me with their details, I'll pass the details to Nintendo UK and they'll ship out the copies. It's a bit close to Christmas, so not sure but as soon as methinks.

Congrats Mush. I like how you mentioned that you never win anything just before you won this.

Totally random draw, I had to pay for my copy of DKCR!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Since I already have DKCR, do you have any idea when it will arrive? I want to give it to someone as a Christmas present.

Cheeky! Well once everyone's gotten back to me with their details, I'll pass the details to Nintendo UK and they'll ship out the copies. It's a bit close to Christmas, so not sure but as soon as methinks.

I thought that might be the case. Guess I'll just buy my brother it for Christmas and then sell the copy I won. I'm sure I'll work something out. But still, I can't believe I won. O_O That has actually made my day. Arigatou Nintendo <3

Totally random draw, I had to pay for my copy of DKCR!

Me too, I couldn't wait for the results.. I thought "I'm probably not gonna win so I may aswell go out and buy it" and what do I do? Win. xD

Wow, cheers C3! Smilie
This really is the greatest website on Earth.

Guest 17.12.2010#18

I cant believe I have won Sing with Robbie Williams, I am just so over the moon, I never win anything I still keep thinking this is a windupSmilie I havent even been able to reply as we are suffering severe storms in SE Qld, and I have been out of power for 12 hours at a time, no phone, no internet no nothing, but thats Mother Nature I guess but anyway thanks a million am over the moon.

Shit.. forgot to reply with my name. You got my address and my name's Liam Cook/Dowling. Either's fine.

Hmm, still haven't got my copy. Any news on if they've been dispatched yet?

Cheesing it up said:
Hmm, still haven't got my copy. Any news on if they've been dispatched yet?
I PM'ed JB about it last week, here's what he said:
Hi Mush,

Nintendo should be sending out the copies next week/whenever they get back into work - apologies for the delay, tricky due to the Christmas/NY falling on the weekend this year!

Thanks Smilie

Still waiting on my copy so hopefully it'll show up later in the week/next week.

jb said to me in my most recent email to contact him if Mario hasn't arrived by the 14th so hopefully it'll come before then.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
jb said to me in my most recent email to contact him if Mario hasn't arrived by the 14th so hopefully it'll come before then.

Hi guys,

I got hold of Nintendo UK today - there was a shortage of DKC: Returns over the Christmas period, so unfortunately those who won a copy will have to wait a little longer - I will chase again in a week or so.

Those who won Super Mario All-Stars should receive their copy this week as it's been dispatched Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hi guys,

I got hold of Nintendo UK today - there was a shortage of DKC: Returns over the Christmas period, so unfortunately those who won a copy will have to wait a little longer - I will chase again in a week or so.

Those who won Super Mario All-Stars should receive their copy this week as it's been dispatched Smilie

Ahh that's good news. Since it's Friday now I'd imagine it'll prolly come tomorrow since it didn't come today.

( Edited 19.01.2011 17:44 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Has anyone received their game yet because I haven't Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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