Resident Evil: The Mercenaries - 70% Done

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.12.2010 25

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries - 70% Done on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom recently talked about the upcoming Resident Evil pair for Nintendo 3DS - The Mercenaries and Revelations.

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is about 70% done, bringing together the classic zombie-blasting action with revised and improved controls for the portable. There won't be an overall story, but a solid campaign that spans different areas and characters in the Resident Evil universe.

There'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the move, instead of having to stand still to shoot, different perspectives in third/first person, customisable characters and other features to take advantage of the new 3D engine.

"The Mercenaries mode was just bonus material up until now, so a lot of gamers never even got around to playing them. You had to finish the main games to unlock them, which made them tough to access in the first place, and a lot of the challenges were pretty sadistically balanced.

Resident Evil: Revelations director Koushi Nakanishi

Image for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries - 70% Done

Image for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries - 70% Done
Box art for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D








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Claire looks a bit scary in that picture O.o
Seriously can't wait though, both RE games are gonna kick ass!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
Claire looks a bit scary in that picture O.o

It's not Claire it's Morrigan from Dragon Age.

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SuperLink said:
It's not Claire it's Morrigan from Dragon Age.


( Edited 09.12.2010 15:13 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Could it make the March launch date?, I hope not, the longer this has in development, the better.

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - Official Site

(RE: Revelations has yet to receive one)

Revelations does have a Capcom page:

Mercenaries & Revelations - Image Slideshow

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Would of liked to see "Lost in Nightmares" on atleast 1 thing i owned Smilie, PC version didnt get it.

I'm guessing Mercenaries will make launch. That was probably the point of the game, just to have something sitting there on Day 1 while they work on Revelations.

I still can't comprehend how good these look (as well as MGS) compared to Nintendo's games. It kinda makes me worry they won't look like that in the end, even when I've seen them in motion running on hardware...

( Edited 09.12.2010 19:08 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:
I still can't comprehend how good these look (as well as MGS) compared to Nintendo's games. It kinda makes me worry they won't look like that in the end, even when I've seen them in motion running on hardware...

Well, to be fair, Nintendo is trying to keep the look of the original titles for games like Ocarina of Time. They could have given it a complete overhaul if they wanted to but ultimately that would just result in long-time fans playing it for nostalgia's sake getting all worked up. Personally, I like the way Ocarina of Time 3D looks.

Anyways, if you want to see a Nintendo game pushing the 3DS to its limits, wait for the next Zelda on the 3DS. Just thinking about it already makes my jaw hit the floor. Smilie

Judging by 80% completion that could mean that this'll be a launch title, which IMO is awesome.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

here'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the movie, instead

Don't you mean Move?

The game's looking awesome, can't wait to see it in action, more then we seen before. I wonder if they will have a part of the first resident evil.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

OMFG I just realised something, the music in mercenaries from 4 and 5 were awesome. I can't wait to see what awesome music they stick in. Then again they might go for the lazy approach and just wack in all the previous music but that'd be fine with me tbh xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
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Don't get fooled. Seeing how the screens are already too high resolution to be from the 3DS hardware (which is 400x240 pixels for the upper screen) and how there's no sign of aliasing at all, these can't be screens off the 3DS hardware itself, but rather their MT framework running on the machines that they use for developping the game.

The end result might be slightly different.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Hope they whack in a hefty bunch of different RE characters. There's quite a lot of them, and it would be great to have as many of them playable as possible.

Kafei2006 said:
Don't get fooled. Seeing how the screens are already too high resolution to be from the 3DS hardware (which is 400x240 pixels for the upper screen) and how there's no sign of aliasing at all, these can't be screens off the 3DS hardware itself, but rather their MT framework running on the machines that they use for developping the game.

The end result might be slightly different.

I think the screens are only higher res because they're much bigger than the 3DS screens are, that's all. The game would've been developed using 3DS hardware, otherwise it would be pointless saying these are the screens for the game (plus there is some footage of it).

The game looks good, hopefully there'll be plenty of maps, weapons, characters and enemy types to make the game worth owning, although it'll be great for short bursts on a handheld anyway Smilie.

Kafei2006 said:
Don't get fooled. Seeing how the screens are already too high resolution to be from the 3DS hardware (which is 400x240 pixels for the upper screen) and how there's no sign of aliasing at all, these can't be screens off the 3DS hardware itself, but rather their MT framework running on the machines that they use for developping the game.

The end result might be slightly different.

A couple things:

1) I *think* these are magazine scans, so the resolution above isn't necessarily that of the images, rather it could be the scan of the images taken from the magazine page. And magazines often blow up images significantly.

2) The MT Frameworks engine on the 3DS actually does support anti-aliasing when the 3D is not enabled. Since these aren't being watched on a 3DS, obviously, the developer wouldn't have turned on the 3D, so anti-aliasing would be up and running.

They've probably only chosen very good clean looking screens to present to us, but I don't think there's really any reason to doubt that this is coming from the hardware.

( Edited 10.12.2010 02:33 by Jacob4000 )

Pre-release screenshots are almost always touched up and rendered on a PC. Most companies turn Anti-aliasing to the max and render at a much higher resolution for screenshots which is why Nintendo's screenshots (whether for Wii, DS, or 3DS) look relatively weak in comparison. Even Nintendo's games are sometimes rendered in HD, as seen in Skyward Sword and Donkey Kong E3 images.

"There'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the move"

The Resident Evil series is officially dead, to me.


Honestly, I've never been a proponent of that. RE4 and even RE5 still kept some of the survival horror elements, and that was one of them. Now, this'll play like Gears of War with Zombies.

But, I'll be the optimist now: When RE4 came out and fans were crying about the camera angles not being fixed, I was actually for it. My argument was that Resident Evil should be scary or challenging based on things in the story, not on the camera angle fucking you over. In the original RE, I can run smack into a zombie two inches away, because I couldn't see him due to the camera angle. I always thought that was moronic. My character, if they had half a brain, would've seen the zombie. It's unrealistic, and it felt cheap.

I guess when I think about it, not being able to move while shooting is pretty similar. Most human beings can work their hands and legs somewhat independently, so moving while shooting should be a possibility.

Final verdict: Still not sure about it being added to Mercenaries. If you can move while shooting, I would hope that means the story and other aspects of the game are amped up to make up for the scares that came from somebody you had no idea was there grabbing you from behind while you were standing there shooting. But for Mercenaries, I already know there's likely no such thing, because it isn't a story game.

Although, I guess it makes perfect sense, considering the multiplayer aspect. I never played RE5 online, so I don't know how the online bits worked (or if it was PVP) but I imagine that if there was PVP, it would be pretty retarded to have 16 people across the globe just standing there shooting at each other, lol.

It makes sense, I guess. I just hope the series doesn't ditch the horror and become full-fledged action. I'm still excited for this. Looks and sounds great.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm confused. Is this a completely separate game for what was just a bonus mode included with RE5? And why is it -70% done? Like they've been hard at work, unfinishing the game!

( Edited 10.12.2010 06:07 by Martin_ )

Martin_ said:
I'm confused. Is this a completely separate game for what was just a bonus mode included with RE5? And why is it -70% done? Like they've been hard at work, unfinishing the game!

This is a completely separate game to RE: Revelations, which is akin to RE:4 and combines the best elements from the franchise so far.

The Mercenaries (3D) is a fully fleshed out MP game, it features a wide range of gameplay modes, character customisation, player levelling and Wi-Fi Co-Op.

The development of the game started a good while ago, around eight months before the 3DS announcement. The game runs on MT Framework: Mobile, so Capcom were able to pull in assets from RE5, making it's development speedier.

( Edited 10.12.2010 09:19 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

justonesp00lturn said:
"There'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the move"

The Resident Evil series is officially dead, to me.


Honestly, I've never been a proponent of that. RE4 and even RE5 still kept some of the survival horror elements, and that was one of them. Now, this'll play like Gears of War with Zombies.

But, I'll be the optimist now: When RE4 came out and fans were crying about the camera angles not being fixed, I was actually for it. My argument was that Resident Evil should be scary or challenging based on things in the story, not on the camera angle fucking you over. In the original RE, I can run smack into a zombie two inches away, because I couldn't see him due to the camera angle. I always thought that was moronic. My character, if they had half a brain, would've seen the zombie. It's unrealistic, and it felt cheap.

I guess when I think about it, not being able to move while shooting is pretty similar. Most human beings can work their hands and legs somewhat independently, so moving while shooting should be a possibility.

Final verdict: Still not sure about it being added to Mercenaries. If you can move while shooting, I would hope that means the story and other aspects of the game are amped up to make up for the scares that came from somebody you had no idea was there grabbing you from behind while you were standing there shooting. But for Mercenaries, I already know there's likely no such thing, because it isn't a story game.

Although, I guess it makes perfect sense, considering the multiplayer aspect. I never played RE5 online, so I don't know how the online bits worked (or if it was PVP) but I imagine that if there was PVP, it would be pretty retarded to have 16 people across the globe just standing there shooting at each other, lol.

It makes sense, I guess. I just hope the series doesn't ditch the horror and become full-fledged action. I'm still excited for this. Looks and sounds great.

DLC for RE5 included PvP, and it was essentially broken because of this. PvP should not be in RE. Have competitive multi, but make it score based as you fight the same enemies.

Also, if you think moving and shooting will make it like Gears, go play Dead Space. That scared the crap out of me, more than RE4 and 5 put together.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

SuperLink said:
LKR000 said:
Claire looks a bit scary in that picture O.o

It's not Claire it's Morrigan from Dragon Age.

Funny...>_> Nice I'm glad they've come so far along. I can see this being a launch title that helps push online play for the 3DS. WOOT!!Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Martin_ said:
I'm confused. Is this a completely separate game for what was just a bonus mode included with RE5? And why is it -70% done? Like they've been hard at work, unfinishing the game!

Sort of. It's the bonus mode from RE4 and 5, with some tweaking. It actually has a campaign, though it's level-based. They're also adding new characters, enemies, and (I think I read somewhere, anyway) new levels. Besides that, they're overhauling the control system from the other games, as well as setting up new aspects of the online multiplayer mode.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Lynk said:

DLC for RE5 included PvP, and it was essentially broken because of this. PvP should not be in RE. Have competitive multi, but make it score based as you fight the same enemies.

Also, if you think moving and shooting will make it like Gears, go play Dead Space. That scared the crap out of me, more than RE4 and 5 put together.

Yeah, pvp for RE sounds weird, anyway. I mean, I know it's non-canonical bonus content, but that just seems like it defeats the purpose, lol. Resident Evil, at its core, has been about people fighting biological monstrosities; not people fighting other people who fight biological monstrosities.

Dead Space might be a good example. I would hope that's what they're aiming for. Though I believe, in Dead Space, you're still pretty limited, while firing, aren't you? You can walk while firing, but you can't, say, run around while shooting and rapidly changing directin of fire, which is I guess the impression I got from reading this article.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

You could turn the whole concept on its head too.
Let the other plays control a bunch of zombies from an overhead viewpoint, only giving vague "go here" commands. (like herding sheep)

Only one player gets the 3rd person, accurate, controll.
In some ways a bit like PacMan VS, with the other players needing to co-ordinate their attack against a vastly more maniverable target.

"There'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the move"

I think thats fine as long as it is no where near as accurate.
Firing while moving should be possible, but not very reliable, imho.

I think the focus should be more on strategically using the environment though. The village at the start of Re4 was brillent in that aspect as you sort of planned your route. The hut later on also (pushing ladders up, blocking routes they can take).

If they focus less on just shooting and more on the sense of deseperation "how can I survive the next few minutes?! I know..if I run there, then shut that...then block that...they will burst into the window...but not before I get the ammo..."

( Edited 11.12.2010 15:46 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Here's the official site for Mercenaries 3D.

I guess they'll probably update it like they did when they were showing the mercenaries reunion stuff for RE5 dlc. If this is a release title then I assume we'll see updates pretty soon for it Smilie

( Edited 11.12.2010 15:59 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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