"There'll be the ability to fire at enemies whilst on the move"
The Resident Evil series is officially dead, to me.
Honestly, I've never been a proponent of that. RE4 and even RE5 still kept some of the survival horror elements, and that was one of them. Now, this'll play like Gears of War with Zombies.
But, I'll be the optimist now: When RE4 came out and fans were crying about the camera angles not being fixed, I was actually for it. My argument was that Resident Evil should be scary or challenging based on things in the story, not on the camera angle fucking you over. In the original RE, I can run smack into a zombie two inches away, because I couldn't see him due to the camera angle. I always thought that was moronic. My character, if they had half a brain, would've seen the zombie. It's unrealistic, and it felt cheap.
I guess when I think about it, not being able to move while shooting is pretty similar. Most human beings can work their hands and legs somewhat independently, so moving while shooting should be a possibility.
Final verdict: Still not sure about it being added to Mercenaries. If you can move while shooting, I would hope that means the story and other aspects of the game are amped up to make up for the scares that came from somebody you had no idea was there grabbing you from behind while you were standing there shooting. But for Mercenaries, I already know there's likely no such thing, because it isn't a story game.
Although, I guess it makes perfect sense, considering the multiplayer aspect. I never played RE5 online, so I don't know how the online bits worked (or if it was PVP) but I imagine that if there was PVP, it would be pretty retarded to have 16 people across the globe just standing there shooting at each other, lol.
It makes sense, I guess. I just hope the series doesn't ditch the horror and become full-fledged action. I'm still excited for this. Looks and sounds great.
NNID: crackedthesky
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