Technically it'll be the second reboot, the first being Legend in 2006. Difference with this one though is that it's compeltely wiping everything clean with a fresh original approach whereas Legend was simply classic Tomb Raider but with better controls. 
And yeah, Uncharted did get certain apsects right. This new game however will be open-world (to what extent is unknown) so it's ditching the linear progression of past TRs and thankfully, isn't trying to play catch up with Uncharted but is rather going the opposite direction. As good as Uncharted is, I think It'd be a bit boring if they tried being more like Uncharted. 
Here's some more info on the game spoilerized to minimize space usage:
- Lara is 21 in this game
- They're doing performance capturing with this game
- There are brutal deaths in the game this time. One is described as a deranged man stabbing Lara in the chest and then closing her eyes after she's dead. Another includes a boulder falling on her leg to trap her before another falls and crushes her head.
- CD won't talk specifics on weapons but concept art shows a bow, shotgun and pistol
- The lock-on targeting system is gone and it now has a free aim system. CD says that it can compete with any of their competitors.
- As the game unfolds, Lara will scavenge new tools and gear that augment her abilities. Lara's athletic prowess will also evolve. Some areas begin inaccessible due to physical limitations or scarce supplies. With the right skills and gear, however, the island is Lara's for the taking.
- There are base camps in the game. Here you can combine items to create something new and access a skill system to upgrade Lara's abilities. You'll also be able to use base camps to fast travel to different locations to minimize backtracking.
- You'll need to gather food and water in order to survive
- There are humans in the game, including some of the crew members from the shipwreck off the coast of the island.
And finally
a link where you can see scans of the game. 
I'm hoping for Square to work their magic and create a beautiful CG opening cutscene.
( Edited 08.12.2010 01:59 by Ifrit XXII )