Tomb Raider Gets the Reboot

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.12.2010 22

Tomb Raider Gets the Reboot on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The longrunning Tomb Raider is set to receive the reboot treatment, courtesy of Square Enix.

The series was last seen in the downloadable Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, and two games on the Nintendo Wii Front, Anniversary and Underworld. With developer Eidos now part of Square Enix, the next entry in the 14-year series is set to take the franchise back to its roots with a proposed reboot.

After a brutal storm destroys the boat she was travelling on, a frightened young woman is left washed ashore on an unknown beach. On her own but not alone, she has only one goal, to survive.

More details to be announced shortly.

Via N-Europe.

What would you like to see in a new Tomb Raider game?

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As long as the voice acting is good & she isn't overly dramatic like most of Square's voice work this could be good. Just hope the 360 & ps3 don't hog this all to themselves!! :-x

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Having played the Uncharted series, for me, it's kind of what Tomb Raider should be. Uncharted takes it to the next level in a way. I enjoyed Underworld, but I think if it were to play like Uncharted, it could be so much better.

I'm a big fan of Lara so I am really looking forward to what they have in store here.

I'm so exicted for this. Smilie The only thing that is said to be like Uncharted is the free aim shooting system instead of the, now archaic auto aim from past Tomb Raider's.

Hopefully it stays far away from Uncharted as, not to dis Uncharted, it's simply not what Tomb Raider should be. Less shoot-offs would be nice. Smilie

Also, lara looks fab! Smilie

LaraFan9000 (guest) 07.12.2010#4

Less clothes would be great! Smilie

Sounds interesting. I quite liked underworld and the guardian of light so I'm pretty excited to see what this reboot will turn out like.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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I thought the last game...which was drasticly different...was pretty well received?
The co-op, isometrix style one?

It played well, was fun, and pretty unique...why not continue with that? Why the constant "reboots".

Instead, if you want to make a game with this plot, why use TR at all? Why not a new IP?

( Edited 07.12.2010 15:39 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I thought the last game...which was drasticly different...was pretty well received?
The co-op, isometrix style one?

It played well, was fun, and pretty unique...why not continue with that? Why the constant "reboots".

Instead, if you want to make a game with this plot, why use TR at all? Why not a new IP?

Lara Croft and Guardian of Light, the downloadable game (co-op,isometric one) is part of the new "Lara Croft" series hence Tomb Raider not being in the title. The downloadable games are meant to be arcade-like and will be made to keep fans busy between each main TR release. The reboot applies only to the main games.

So it'll be:

2010 - Downloadable Lara Croft Game
2011 - Main pillar Tomb Raider retail release
2012 - Another Lara Croft game
2013 - Another Tomb Raider game

At least those are the plans for now. They may make the downloadables a yearly thing given the success of the first one.

( Edited 07.12.2010 15:57 by Ifrit XXII )

Cue Lara becoming an American.

Its good that their are more downloadable ones, but I still dont see why that cant be the main series or why a reboot is needed at all. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Mmm, so no confirmation of what platforms this will be released on?

EdEN said:
Mmm, so no confirmation of what platforms this will be released on?

The official website ( lists only PS3, 360 and PC.

After Underworld was so badly received (and rightly so) on Wii, I think they're just gonna stick with the HD consoles this time.

Who knows, maybe Square will get a different team to work on a Wii exclusive Tomb Raider. Smilie

One piece of info is that this will be the first TR game rated 18/M.

( Edited 08.12.2010 00:22 by Ifrit XXII )

Martin_ said:
Cue Lara becoming an American.

Please no.

Regarding Uncharted, I wasn't so much referring to the gunfights as such. I just think the whole Uncharted gameplay would fit very well in the Tomb Raider world, and the exploration and attention to detail in climbing etc was pretty much an advancement over TR and pretty much every other game involving it. I mean, I'd be happy to have TR use the Uncharted engine, if you get me.

One quote referring to this game was "Forget everything you know about Tomb Raider". If that's the case, will this be the third time they reboot the franchise? Will be interesting to see how this ends up, and I'm sure Square's input will bring some good things to the table.

Technically it'll be the second reboot, the first being Legend in 2006. Difference with this one though is that it's compeltely wiping everything clean with a fresh original approach whereas Legend was simply classic Tomb Raider but with better controls. Smilie

And yeah, Uncharted did get certain apsects right. This new game however will be open-world (to what extent is unknown) so it's ditching the linear progression of past TRs and thankfully, isn't trying to play catch up with Uncharted but is rather going the opposite direction. As good as Uncharted is, I think It'd be a bit boring if they tried being more like Uncharted. Smilie

Here's some more info on the game spoilerized to minimize space usage:

And finally a link where you can see scans of the game. Smilie I'm hoping for Square to work their magic and create a beautiful CG opening cutscene. Smilie

( Edited 08.12.2010 01:59 by Ifrit XXII )

Oh yeah - I meant third different Lara backstory Smilie

Thanks for the info and links. This sounds really promising. Looking forward to seeing it in action now!

PMD (guest) 08.12.2010#15

The Tomb Raider website lists PC, PS3 and Xbox360.

Nice find on the info their Ifrit, sounds very promising.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

This game is pretty much fucked now that Uncharted 3 has been announced, and probably will release around the same sort of time. Well, I guess at least on PS3 it'll flop.

Martin_ said:
This game is pretty much fucked now that Uncharted 3 has been announced, and probably will release around the same sort of time. Well, I guess at least on PS3 it'll flop.

Yeah they probably aren't happy with U3 being a 2011 game too. I think that's why they're ditching the linear, tired ways of the last few TRs (which Uncharted managed to better) and are going for an open-worldish approach.

The response to Lara's new image has been great and with Eidos finally able to go all out on TR thanks to Square Enix buying them, TR may finally be considered game of the year material. Let's hope the 3 years in development is worth it. Smilie No more 1 year development cycles finally! Smilie

I think more to the point is that the clichéd big-breasted, sexist male-fantasy that is Lara Croft cannot be taken with any degree of seriousness. It'll be a game where you're a chick with big tits running around dual-wielding pistols at wolves and all that sort of shit, which will have this pretence of being dark and edgy. In reality, it's just going to be ridiculous.

Uncharted is no less ridiculous, but wears this as a badge of honour, rather than treating it as some core element which must be hidden behind layers of 'foreboding atmosphere' and other such nonsense.

Thankfully they've reduced the size of her boobs by about 60%. Smilie

( Edited 10.12.2010 20:42 by Ifrit XXII )

I don't get it, why make a reboot, just for the HD consoles?

in comparison with the originals, the HD games were even complete failures.

No one cares what console it's on, it's the fact that people miss the old days of the game.

Proof, look at all the games that Nintendo made that went back to the games roots, and look how successful they were, compared to the last game in that game's series. or any game that goes back, to it's roots. it will do a lot better then the last game in the series.

( Edited 11.12.2010 02:14 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

As good as the original TRs were, they are quite dated now in terms of controls and structure. People got bored of the same gameplay every year which is one reason why sales slowly decreased.

To remain relevant, it's probably for the best that they rework everything. Saying that, both Legend and Underworld sold about 3 million copies each. That's certainly an achievement. Smilie

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