Eager fans of the upcoming 3DS iteration of Super Monkey Ball have been lacking any sort of news on the game, since its announcement. Today though, SEGA have launched the official Japanese website for the game and although you’ll need to know Japanese language to read about any of the features included in the game, there’s still plenty of content to feast your eyes on.
The homepage shows some gameplay modes that will feature within the game and include boxing and racing minigames, along with screenshots to show them in action. The website also has information on the characters making it into the game, with the original line-up of four making a return, AiAi, Baby, MeeMee and GonGon. Four more characters are to be revealed at a later date, although it’s not known whether these will be brand new characters.

The site also has downloadable wallpapers, to liven up your desktop and come in a variety of different sizes.
Super Monkey Ball 3DS is set to hit store in Spring 2011.