Super Monkey Ball 3DS Site Goes Live

By 26.11.2010 7

Super Monkey Ball 3DS Site Goes Live on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Eager fans of the upcoming 3DS iteration of Super Monkey Ball have been lacking any sort of news on the game, since its announcement. Today though, SEGA have launched the official Japanese website for the game and although you’ll need to know Japanese language to read about any of the features included in the game, there’s still plenty of content to feast your eyes on.

The homepage shows some gameplay modes that will feature within the game and include boxing and racing minigames, along with screenshots to show them in action. The website also has information on the characters making it into the game, with the original line-up of four making a return, AiAi, Baby, MeeMee and GonGon. Four more characters are to be revealed at a later date, although it’s not known whether these will be brand new characters.

Image for Super Monkey Ball 3DS Site Goes Live

Image for Super Monkey Ball 3DS Site Goes Live

The site also has downloadable wallpapers, to liven up your desktop and come in a variety of different sizes.

Super Monkey Ball 3DS is set to hit store in Spring 2011.

Box art for Super Monkey Ball 3D








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (3 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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Sweet! One of my launch title picks for sure!

I can't wait for this! Smilie Hopefully you can use the slide pad.

why does it say, 0 players?

Also, the 3DS is really starting, to look amazing.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Wolvesgod said:
the 3DS is really starting, to look amazing.

Starting to look amazing? It has looked/sounded amazing ever since it was shown at E3. Smilie

Here's hoping for the return of Bad Boon!
Hopefully this will be a return of the old Monkey Ball magic, but really the series has gone down hill since...well since the original actually (the original is one of my top 5 games ever).

After Step & Roll I think I'm about set to give up hope, I dunno I guess it wasn't that bad, I actually really loved Banana Blitz.

Anyway I'll be getting this regardless, I'm a huge Monkey Ball fan now.

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I also like Banana Blitz.

I sort of wish they would try a different visual style though. The current look has been going for years now and it's starting to get a bit dull, in my opinion. I'd like to see them try something different.

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